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Oh, yes, a peaceable sort o' beast enough, and not ramping or carrying on or doing anything but what was quite right and proper. I admit all that. And yet, what am I to do? SCALES, you know, and claws, and a tail for certain, though I didn't see that end of him I ain't USED to 'em, and I don't HOLD with 'em, and that's a fact!"

Allen's, Larry, you remember. It is a party for the Graduating Class, too," said Jane. "So we are. But we can take in the political meeting first, eh, Mac?" But MacLean glanced doubtfully at Ethel. "I have just had a go with Holtzman," said Larry, "the German Socialist, you know. He was ramping and raging like a wild man down in front of the post office. I know him quite well.

Another sea came ramping aboard and snatched the port lifeboat out of the davits, smashed in the door of the dining saloon and flooded it, gutted the galley, and drove the cook and the steward to the protection of the engine room. The chief called up through the speaking tube: "How's the boss making it, captain?" "It's a wet passage for him, chief.

In college I studied Greek and, in fact, won a gold medal for my agility in ramping through Mr. Xenophon's parasangs. That medal is lost, so far as I know, and no one now has the remotest suspicion that I ever even halted along through those parasangs, not to mention ramping, or that I ever made the acquaintance of ox-eyed Juno.

Sabre says old Fungus, or whatever his name is, is all right, but it appears he's ruled by about two dozen ramping great daughters, and they won't let their father have anything to do with Sabre. No, he's shut right out, everywhere. "And Sabre, mind you this is Sabre's extraordinary point of view: he's not a bit furious with all these people.

In other of his temptations, he stealeth on like a fox, but in this Turk's persecution for the faith, he runneth on roaring with assault like a ramping lion. This temptation is, of all temptations, also the most perilous.

The great sow had been an awful beast, while ramping about the woods and fields, but was a pleasant object enough when cut up into joints, and smoking on I know not how many dinner tables. Thus, by the time he reached his journey's end, Theseus had done many valiant feats with his father's golden-hilted sword, and had gained the renown of being one of the bravest young men of the day.

'Oh, Oswald, he says he won't let us out unless we give him all our money. And we might be here for days and days and all night as well. No one knows where we are to come and look for us. Oh, do let's give it him ALL. She thought the lion of the English nation, which does not know when it is beaten, would be ramping in her brother's breast. But Oswald kept calm. He said

She tore herself away from him and escaped to a chair. "Who am I?" he asked, in a stumbling, ghostly voice, confronting her. "The great strong man!" She could not help smiling; he was ramping about in such a clumsy, comical way. "And you?" "The luckiest woman in all the world!" But now her voice died away in a sob. "And where is the strong man to rest to-night?" He snatched at her breast.

He footed from bottom to top, checked the result by footing from top to bottom, erased his light penciled figures and rewrote them in ink, laid the sheet to one side and folded his hands in resignation. "I knew it was coming, Rog. I've seen the signs for weeks past. You've been ramping round like a man in prison. Dang it, Rog, I'm sorry." "Jim," said Roger, "this is no business for me to be in."