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Now and then a deer sprang up from the thickets, and the wild turkeys still roosted in the trees. Churches and other buildings, many of massive stone adorned with carved and costly marbles, extended ten or twelve miles down the river, but most of them were abandoned and in decay. The Comanche and his savage brother, the Apache, had raided to the very gates of San Antonio.

No doubt they were right, for I went back, in spite of their protest, and peeped into the nest, and found four gleaming white eggs studding the bottom like pearls. Alas! when I visited the place two weeks later, the little domicile had been raided, the half-decayed walls having been broken down.

Sharp captured the bank robbers, and got back most of the money." "I guess I do remember it! I wish you could have seen the gang when we raided them from the clouds, in our airship!" "Well, you know Andy Foger hoped to collect the five thousand dollars reward for telling the police that you were the thief, and of course he got fooled, for you got the reward. Mr.

Then he saw, an indefinite distance beyond him, burning like red-hot iron through the darkness, a little scarlet or crimson gleam, as of a lighted cigar. "That's Old Grumps, of the Bloody Fourteenth," he thought. "I've raided into his happy sleeping-grounds. I'll draw on him." But Old Grumps, otherwise Colonel Lafayette Gildersleeve, had no rations that is, no whiskey.

"The federals are all over the shop, and he can't understand why they haven't raided him hours ago." "... Who? Campos? That skunk! ... all right.... Don't be worried if you don't hear from me. I'm going up river with Davies and Habert.... Use your judgment, and if you get a safe chance at Campos, pot him.... Oh, a hot time over here. They're battering our doors now.

But he was faithful just as long as they were and no longer. The treason had to come from them, and then it was 'Ware Daylight. The business men and financiers of the Pacific coast never forgot the lesson of Charles Klinkner and the California & Altamont Trust Company. Klinkner was the president. In partnership with Daylight, the pair raided the San Jose Interurban.

In one of Jennison’s first raids, the Younger stable at Harrisonville was raided and $20,000 worth of horses and vehicles taken. The experiment became a habit with the Jayhawkers, and such visits were frequent until the following fall, when the worst of all the indignities heaped upon my family was to be charged against themthe murder of my father.

Her armies twice defeated Frederick the Great and raided his capital, Berlin. Had Elizabeth lived, she would probably have crushed him. In her early years this imperial woman had been betrothed to Louis XV. of France, but the match was broken off. Subsequently she entered into a morganatic marriage and bore a son who, of course, could not be her heir.

"Near the frontier of Limousin; over the gallows was this inscription: 'This is Karadeucq the Vagre so shall his likes be treated." "Karadeucq! The old bandit who with his bedevilled band so long raided Limousin and Auvergne!" "Pillaging burgs and episcopal mansions!" "A worthy example, followed by the band of Ronan, the other dog that is to be executed to-morrow!"

Himself and the ten Malaitans, being bushmen, were too ignorant of the sea to dare the long passage from Guadalcanar. On the way, he had raided the little islet of Ugi, sacked the store, and taken the head of the solitary trader, a gentle-souled half-caste from Norfolk Island who traced back directly to a Pitcairn ancestry straight from the loins of McCoy of the Bounty.