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'You don't know Raggett, but I think you'll like him. I think you will. In any case, there's no doubt Raggett's been remarkably decent to me. In fact, he's a very good sort. 'Fancy! said Edith. 'Why do you say fancy? he asked irritably. 'I don't exactly know. I must say something. I'm sure he's nice if he's a friend of yours, dear. 'He's a clever chap in his way.

He left the impression upon his wife and glad enough she was to have such an impression that Eastbourne was a well-conducted town mainly as a result of P. C. Wiseman's ceaseless and tireless efforts. "I never had a clew yet that I never follered to the bitter end," said the preening constable. "You remember when Raggett's orchard was robbed who found the thieves?"

'Bruce has just rung up. He wants to know if Raggett's here. He says he'll be home in half an hour. He doesn't feel up to the mark, and can't stay at the office. 'Poor little Edith! 'And don't for goodness sake bother yourself about Cecil. As if there was any man in the world who hadn't liked somebody some time or other! Hyacinth laughed, kissed her, and went away. Miss Wrenner

Every one fell on its knees and looked up, and there was the Phoenix perched on a crossbar of wood that ran across under the table, and had once supported a drawer, in the happy days before the drawer had been used as a boat, and its bottom unfortunately trodden out by Raggett's Really Reliable School Boots on the feet of Robert.

'Just a stroll; or I may look in at the club. You don't understand; a man feels rather cramped in these surroundings, Edith. 'I quite understand your feeling. 'I shan't be long, said Bruce. 'Try and make up your mind to give up Raggett's society altogether. You don't mind making this sacrifice for me, do you? 'Not in the least, she answered. 'I prefer it. He went out. Archie

Perhaps, after all, I'd better ask him to dine at the club. 'Oh no! Let him come here. Don't you think I'm worthy to see Raggett? 'Oh nonsense, dear, I'm very proud of you, said Bruce kindly. 'It isn't exactly that.... Mind you, Raggett's quite a man of the world and yet he isn't a man of the world, if you know what I mean. 'I see, said Edith again.

You can wear what you wore last night.... You looked quite nice in it, and you can take it from me, once for all' he got up, looked in the glass, and said 'that Raggett's all right. Now, tell cook we're dining out. She might have a holiday tonight. A change may do her good; and I shall hope to find the omelette less leathery tomorrow.

'Oh, why am I so miserable? she sobbed. Raggett's Sense of Humour 'Edith, said Bruce, 'I'm rather worried about Raggett. 'Are you? Why? 'Well, the last time I met him, he came up and asked me if I knew the difference between a sardine and a hedgehog. Of course I said no, thinking it was some riddle, but he only answered, "Then you must be a fool!" Edith smiled. 'Is that all?