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You may have escaped, but your brethren are doomed, and you yourselves will not last long around enemies without the protection of the other Canitaurs." But my rebuke only seemed to make their laughter and mirth more hearty, and they raged on without ceasing for a time.

The land, indeed, flourished; and a general prosperity appeared to testify to the blessings of the peace which had so lately been bestowed upon it. An external repose deceived the eye, for within raged all the elements of discord. If the foundations of religion totter in a country they totter not alone; the audacity which begins with things sacred ends with things profane.

To be so near, to have that hideous war of wind and water raging over the world, and not to come somehow to swim or row or ride to her, to bring her delicious companionship and reassurance out of the storm! Why, had she known that Greg was so near no elements that ever raged could have held her

Napoleon turned to him and said, 'Duroc, fortune is determined to have one of us to-day. Hour after hour the incessant battle raged, as the advance-guard of the Emperor drove before it the rear-guard of the Allies.

Round its devoted head, therefore, the war of controversy raged more fiercely than in the case of any of Wagner's subsequent works.

How much she had slept she did not say, and she hardly looked like one whose slumbers had been long or sweet; but if she had slept little, she had made up for the loss by thinking much, and, while she thought, the storm which had raged so fiercely in her breast, more and more subsided into calm. If there was not sunshine yet, there was at least stillness.

The prince took him by the hand and said, 'Sir James, God give you this day the grace to be the first knight of all'; and Lord James rode away into the battle and fought until he had to be carried, sorely wounded, from the field. In the meantime the battle raged with great fury upon all sides, and many French and English knights were engaged in deadly combat.

Bedlams totally extinct to everybody; but which were then very real, and raged wide as the world, high as the stars, to a hideous degree among the then sons of men; unimaginable now by any mortal. And, alas, this is one of the grand difficulties for my readers and me; Friedrich's Life-element having fallen into such a dismal condition.

It would then require a three-fourths majority of all the States to pass the obnoxious Act. Last but not least, if the Act was passed, the protesting State had, Calhoun claimed, the right to secede from the Union. Controversy over this tariff raged for fully four years, and had a memorable issue.

It was a happy circumstance for the Protestant religion that, at the moment when the last Roman Catholic King of England mounted the throne, the Roman Catholic Church was torn by dissension, and threatened with a new schism. A quarrel similar to that which had raged in the eleventh century between the Emperors and the Supreme Pontiffs had arisen between Lewis and Innocent.