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Upon the return to their homes, after the adjournment, they were not only met with universal scorn, but with inappeasable rage.

But his conduct had given her the incentive of rage, of stung vanity or wounded pride, if you prefer. She would get him back; she would force him to admit; she would win him, if she could and that ought not to be difficult when she should be successful. Having won him, then What then? Something superb in the way of revenge; she would decide what, when the hour of triumph came.

Sophia, in her night dress, her hair in wild disorder, struggling in the arms of the villain Radcliff, whose fine countenance was rendered hideous by rage and passion. 'What! he exclaimed 'you here? By G , you shall rue your interference with my schemes. How is it that you start up before me just at the very moment when my wishes are about to be crowned with success?

They had asked for twelve thousand soldiers and sixty thousand pounds, and had received a volley of abuse. Over and over again, through many months, the Queen fell into a paroxysm of rage when even an allusion was made to the loan of fifty or sixty thousand pounds; and even had she promised the money, it would have given but little satisfaction.

"'Let me go! he shouted, foaming at the mouth with rage 'that man murdered my brother! I will take the law into my own hands! he shall not leave this spot alive! He dares to come here in the presence of the dead body of George Conway and he is his murderer! "These words were rather howled than uttered. The speaker seemed to have lost his reason, from pure excess of rage.

His face black and convulsed with rage, and his outstretched fingers working convulsively, and hungering for a rogue's throat, made the resolute Hardie quake. He whipped out of the furious man's way, and got to the safe, pale and trembling. "Hush! no violence!" he gasped: "I'll give you your money this moment you ruffian."

Just as the sun was setting Arnold and his men had routed a party of Germans, and a wounded German, lying on the ground, shot at Arnold, killing his horse and shattering his leg the same leg which had been wounded at Quebec. As Arnold fell, one of his men, with a cry of rage dashed at the German and would have killed him where he lay. But Arnold stopped him.

And the: Caliph was wroth with exceeding rage. Quoth Ja'afar, "Grant me three days' delay;" and quoth the Caliph, "We grant thee this." So Ja'afar went out from before him and returned to his own house, full of sorrow and saying to himself, "How shall I find him who murdered this damsel, that I may bring him before the Caliph?

In their rage at the delay they fired one of the quarter-deck guns upon the camp, while on board they destroyed everything they could lay hands on. In his brutality and greed for spoil, a man named James Mitchell murdered one of their number. When at last they were brought to land they came dressed in laced clothes and officers' suits which they had put on over their own dirty clothes.

It was but for an instant, and then she went on up stairs, out of hearing, and sitting herself down by her bedside allowed the battle to rage in her imagination. Mr. Furnival would have sat there silent till his wife had gone also, and so the matter would have terminated for that evening, had she so willed it.