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A little old woman was stooping to brush the rag carpet with a whisk broom and dustpan, and as she hobbled around the big stove and around the table, which was already set neatly for dinner, she was crooning to herself: "Oh, my back and oh, my bones ! Oh, my back and oh, my bones!"

Uncle Win had a luxurious side to his nature, and there was a soft imported rug in the room as well. Carpets were not in general use. Many floors were polished, some in the finer houses inlaid. Rag carpets were used for warmth in winter, and some were beautifully made. Weaving them was quite a business, and numbers of women were experts at it.

"You must know, sirs, that this pair of rapiers were my fairy godfathers in the noble art of fence." The Norman looked at Lagardere with a very loving expression. "You were a sad little rag of humanity when first you came to our fencing-academy." "You are right there," said Lagardere. "I was the poorest, hungriest scrap of mankind in all Paris.

Downing was the sort of master who would be likely to make trouble. The great match had not been an ordinary match. Mr. Downing was a curious man in many ways, but he did not make a fuss on ordinary occasions when his bowling proved expensive. Yesterday's performance, however, stood in a class by itself. It stood forth without disguise as a deliberate rag.

"The extreme suction caused by this sudden reversal of things had caught every rag of clothing in the house into the atmosphere where, adhering to the roof, they had been brought down with it, so that they hung in festoons all around the outside, the roof, fastening onto the walls with a tremendous jerk, securing all the different articles with the clinch of a massive and giant clothespin.

And taking up the piece, she examined it with a look of satisfaction, turning it round and round in her fingers wrapped it in a small piece of linen rag, which lay in a corner of the room, and mechanically slipped it into her pocket. But it was neither every day, every week, nor every year, that Nancy Hewitt saw a coin of gold.

Fortunately there was a village not far from the spot where we landed, and we took possession of a hut, lighted a good fire, and wrapped ourselves in Scotch plaids and blankets wrung out, while our clothes were being dried, as there was not a dry rag in our possession. We could procure nothing to eat, except a few dried fish that, not having been salted, were rather high flavoured.

"Why he left there and went to live with Leh Shin is unknown. He has secrets. He knows the best mixtures of opium, he knows " "I don't want to hear what he knows." "He knows where Absalom is." "You only think that," said Hartley, roughly. "It is a dangerous thing to make these assertions. It is only your idea, Mhtoon Pah." The Burman groaned aloud and held the rag between his hands.

I tell you what, we'll do the thing in style, and brew. It oughtn't to take more than an hour or so. It'll be rather a rag than otherwise. 'And how about Jim's stuff? asked Welch. 'I shall have to do that, as you can't. I've done my own bits. I think I'd better start now. He did, and with success. When he went to bed at half-past ten, The Glow Worm was ready in manuscript.

A just perceptible delay, a fumbling among pots and pans, and he came toward me with a most apologetic air, and with the sorriest-looking rag I had ever seen its narrow circumference encircling a very big hole. "Is that the best dish-cloth you have?" I asked.