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"Ha! Guess yo' won't do no mo' spadin' in' Massa Tom's garden right away, big man!" taunted Eradicate. "Be quiet, Rad!" ordered Tom, as he reached up and pulled out the switch, thus shutting off the current. "This isn't anything to laugh at." "But he done look so funny, Massa Tom!" pleaded the colored man. "He done squirm laik " But Eradicate did not finish what he intended to say.

In his father's present weakened state Tom desired this least of all, so he said: "Now, never mind, dad. I thought I heard a noise out in the yard, and I'm not going to take any chances. So I roused Mr. Jackson, and I'm going down to see what it is. Perhaps it may only be Eradicate's mule, Boomerang, kicking around, or it may be Rad himself, or some one after his chickens. Don't worry. Mr.

"No, Rad; I'm afraid violent measures won't do, though now that you speak of the guns I think that we had better get them ready." "You're not going to shoot any of them, are you, Tom?" asked Mr. Damon quickly. "No, but if they continue to turn against us as easily as they have, there is no telling what may happen. If they attack us we will have to defend ourselves.

"I don't like the idea of a mysterious stranger questioning Eradicate!" Ned Newton looked at Tom questioningly. Then he glanced at the unsuspicious colored man, who was industriously polishing the half-dollar the mysterious stranger had given him. "Rad, just exactly what sort of a man was this one you speak of?" asked Tom. "Why, he were a gen'man " "Yes, I know that much. You've said it before.

"Yes, I had to let Rad play detective. Not that he can do anything he's too old. But it keeps him and Koku from quarreling all the while. I've got to be pretty careful about that shop. It's got a secret in it that Well, the less said about it the better." "You're getting my curiosity aroused, Tom," remarked Ned. "It'll have to go unsatisfied for a while. Wait a bit and I'll give you a ride.

Listened for a while and got partly dressed and went down into garden. Two British planes going up no Bosches visible. Quite clear at 2.30 a.m. with low summer clouds. Slept till 8. Asked Rankin and Ellis at breakfast about bombardment; they hadn't heard it. Rad said 18 British ships sunk and Canadians had lost trenches laughed at him.

Rad was delighted to hear of Tom's success with the new apparatus, after having been told how quickly the barn fire was put out. "Yo' yo' jest wait twell I gits up, Massa Tom," said Rad. "Den Ah'll help make all de contraptions on de airship." "All right, Rad, there'll be plenty for you to do when the time comes," said the inventor.

No, I guess we've got to go back," and Tom spoke regretfully. "It's hard luck, but we've got to give up and go back." "Den I's pow'ful glad I got ma golden image when I did, dat's suah!" exclaimed Eradicate. "Ef we doan't git no mo' I'll hab one. But I'll sell it and whack up wid yo' all, Massa Tom." "You'll do nothing of the sort, Rad!" exclaimed the young inventor.

Before anyone could stop him, Eradicate caught up a dead branch, and threw it at a monkey. The chattering increased, and almost instantly a shower of cocoanuts came crashing down, narrowly missing some of our friends. "Hold on, Rad! Hold on!" cried Tom. "Some of us will be hurt!" Crack! came a cocoanut down on the skull of the colored man. "Bless my court plaster! Someone's hurt now!" cried Mr.

Use the hose! there's a nozzle at the back door. Go around there, and play the water on from that end." Eradicate, with his line of hose, had disappeared into the shop through the front door, and the others pressed in after him, heedless of the dense smoke. "Is it blazing much, Rad?" cried Tom. "Can't see no blaze at all, Mass a Tom," replied the colored man.