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It was her acquaintance of the race-course. "Who is Blue Beard?" she asked in a whisper. "They call him the Faro King," said Drake. "Made all his money by gambling in Paris, and now he is a squire with a living in his gift." Then over the laughter and voices, the band and the singing, with an awful suddenness there came a crash of thunder.

Charles, return down Camp Street into Canal, pass through it into Rampart, take the Bayou Road and march to a grand review away out in the new camp of instruction at the Creole Race-Course. Intermediately, from a certain Canal Street balcony, Flora would present the flag! the gorgeous golden, silken, satin battle standard which the Callenders and others had helped her to make.

This was in August, 1846, and the light-blue jacket and white cap of Lord George Bentinck were to be seen no more on a race-course.

They arrived at the heath of Carnac, where are the two thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine Druid stones, and the monks had already passed the round point where nothing grows, neither grass nor heath, and which resembles an enormous caldron, a caldron wherein to make oaten-porridge, or rather a race-course, to exercise horses.

Then with watchful eye and ready ear, wonderful instinct and scent of danger, he slowly went his way again. He hoped to pass between the upper lake and the Auteuil race-course; but there were few trees in that part, and they formed a broad avenue.

Years afterwards an attempt was made by Colonel Anson to bring about a reconciliation; but Lord George said he would not have anything to do with "the fellow." A great stroke was made in 1836 when Lord George won the St. Leger with Elis, it was the first time a horse was conveyed in a van from his training-stable to a race-course.

"You've been jobbed like you was a baby," said Glass. "There ain't but one thing to do now. Go into the house and change your clothes, and when you get ready to run, get ready to run for your life and mine." Over on the race-course Gallagher was inquiring: "Who's goin' to send these y'ere athaletes away?"

Of course you must pay them the money. I will do the rest, Anna. I have friends who will quickly put that matter straight and if your rogue finds his way to a race-course again, he is a very lucky man. Now sit down and let me speak to you in my turn, Anna. I want you to speak about Alban I want to hear how you like him. He has now been with us long enough for us to know something about him.

"Are you going to the race-course to-day?" asked Guly, suddenly lifting his head. "I don't feel quite well. No, I reckon not," returned Wilkins, disjointedly, and moving uneasily in his chair. "I weary you," said the boy, gently essaying to leave his seat on the head clerk's knee.

The girl colored and could say neither yes or no; but she rose, hung one of the olive-crowns on her arm with a happy, bashful smile, and handed the other to her new friend; then she followed him across the little bridge on to the race-course which, now that the games were over, was crowded with Christians.