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The juggler had not touched it, or he would have supposed he might have substituted for the piece he first examined a sort of telescope of thin sheets of steel, but even that would not have accounted for Rabda's disappearance. "I will show you one other feat, my lord."

Isobel was attired in a native dress, and her face, neck, arms, feet, and ankles had been stained to the same color as Rabda's. She came forward a little timidly, for she felt strange and uncomfortable in her scanty attire. Bathurst gave an exclamation of pain as he saw her face. "How dreadfully, you have burnt yourself, Miss Hannay; surely you cannot have followed the instructions I gave you."

Hunter; do thank her for me, and tell her how grateful I am." Mrs. Hunter took Rabda's hand, and in her own language thanked her for her kindness to Isobel. "I have done as I was told," Rabda said simply; "the Sahib Bathurst saved my life, and when he said the lady must be rescued from the hands of the Nana, it was only right that I should do so, even at the risk of my life."

"Six weeks ago I woke in the middle of the night, and heard Rabda's voice distinctly say: 'He has been with us today: he is safe and well; he is on his way to you. As I knew how long you would take going down from Patna, I went the next day to the office and found what steamer you would catch, and when she would arrive.

Isobel was no longer being nursed; she was assisting to nurse Mary Hunter, who had, the day after Isobel was transferred to the prison, been attacked by fever, and was the next day delirious. Rabda's report of the next two days left little doubt in Bathurst's mind that she was rapidly sinking.

Rabda's whisper had given new life and hope to Isobel Hannay.