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Their name and fame lie buried in oblivion, except in that little Chapel of the Saints where their lamp still burns brightly as ever. The pious nuns of St. Ursule, as the last custodians of the traditions of New France, preserve that sole memorial of the glories and misfortunes of the noble house, the lamp of Repentigny.

"Do your division watch Versailles?" "Without ceasing." "This is the Admiral." "The great Admiral? Of the Galley?" "Certainly." "I salute you, Chief," he said, raising a ragged arm. "Have some brandy, Green Cap," the Admiral returned, rapping loudly for drink, which was brought. "We want," said Madame engagingly, "to find a hog called Répentigny at Versailles."

Our water will be turned into wine. I shall no longer need to save the crumbs, except for the poor at our gate." The advent of Amelie de Repentigny was a circumstance of absorbing interest to the nuns, who regarded it as a reward for their long devotions and prayers for the restoration of their house to its old prosperity.

I shall pity the fellow you take in! Here is the fairest fortune in the Colony about to fall into the hands of Pierre Philibert whom Satan confound for his assurance! A fortune which I always regarded as my own!" "It shows the folly and vanity of your sex! You never spoke a word to Amelie de Repentigny in the way of wooing in your life!

Long impunity had made the Iroquois so careless that they were easily found. A band of about forty had made their quarters at a house near the fort at Repentigny, and here the French scouts discovered them early in the night. Vaudreuil and his men were in canoes. They lay quiet till one o'clock, then landed, and noiselessly approached the spot.

"His stolen appellation is Lecour de Répentigny." "Répentigny? ah, I know, I know." "As I have said, sir, the man is a cheat. Here in my hands are proofs of it, and I, myself, am personal witness against him." "Ah, this is serious, this is serious," repeated the Prince in a disturbed tone. "Your Excellency will, then, order his expulsion from the company?" "Ah, you ask much, you ask much.

Were she to come to me like Herodias with the Baptist's head in a charger, I should outdo Herod in keeping my pledge to her." Amelie uttered a low, moaning cry. "O my dear infatuated brother, it is not in nature for a De Repentigny to love irrationally like that! What maddening philtre have you drank, to intoxicate you with a woman who uses you so imperiously?

It was but the shadow left behind of her retreating soul. Amelie de Repentigny was dead! The angel of death had kissed her lovingly, and unnoticed of any she had passed with him away. The watchful eye of the Lady de Tilly was the first to see that Amelie's breath had gone so quietly that no one caught her latest sigh. The physician and chaplain rushed hurriedly into the chamber, but too late.

Pierre le Gardeur, Knight of St. Louis, Brigadier-General, Governor of Mahé and Marquis de Répentigny for this was he was a tall, spare man whose complexion the suns of the tropics had browned, whose hair was whitened with foreign service, and whose blue eyes and sensitive, handsome features wore a strange, settled look of melancholy.

He is in love with you, Amelie de Repentigny!" "Mad girl! How could you? How dare you speak so of me? What must Colonel Philibert think?" "Think? He thinks you must be the most perfect of your sex! Why, his mind was made up about you, Amelie, before he said a word to me.