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Smith immediately harangues them in a vehement and long speech; during which, with firm resolve, it may seem, not to possess either 'overheated mind' or body, he nearly exhausted the 'Three Tuns' of water," For this quotation, and for the date of the meeting, which had been erroneously stated by previous writers, I am indebted to the courtesy of Mr. J.S.R. Phillips, editor of the Yorkshire Post.

His favourite saying was doubtless 'A plague on both your houses, and with equal certainty his favourite quotation the bardic 'Whether Roderigo kill Cassio, or Cassio kill Roderigo, or each kill the other, every way makes my gain. His theory of Nationalist progress was four-square and complete, and showed a neat dovetailing of means with the end.

This great proficient in knowledge of the Scriptures and disciple of St. In his Epistles and Poems, that man of wit and fancy, with an intellect and learning above the fifth century in which he lived, Sidonius Apollinaris, has one quotation from Tacitus and three references to him.

Do you understand that for a whole night you may be alone with the inviolable Scitsym? 'The Hope of the Universe, by whose Light alone the One and Only Prophet shall be made known unto the Watchers!" He murmured the quotation in a low, rapt voice. Again the younger man attempted to soothe him. "Don't distress yourself!" he said, gravely. "I am here. You can trust me. Lie back and rest."

Below this quotation was the stirring question: "Which is it to be: economy in the household or shortage in the Army and Navy?" Under the title of "War Savings in the Home" a plan of campaign has been sent to every household in England for operation during the whole period of war.

'And will the other poor dears be content to wait to make a holiday for your grandchildren? "To make a Roman holiday." Pope, or somebody else, had a line of poetry like that. "To make a Roman holiday," he repeated, pleased with his unusual aptitude at quotation. 'It's Byron, and it's nothing to do with the subject in hand.

He draws a hideous picture of what God's world has been in the past, and indeed is in the present; with words so reeking of disgust and cruelty, that I cannot bear to quote them; and ample quotation would be needful. Then he infers, that since I must admit all this, I virtually believe in an immoral Deity.

I’d rather surprise some of these noblemen if I turned up again in my true character!” “Thank the Lord, we’re not likely to meet them again!” exclaimed the doctor, devoutly. “No,” said Welsh; “here endeth the second lesson.” His friend, who had been well brought up, looked a trifle uncomfortable at this quotation. “I say,” he remarked a few minutes later, “we haven’t finished yet.

It often seemed to her that the more obscure the quotation, the more it was admired amongst their cronies. She had always found such practices revolting. But Professor Bridwell was not at all like that. Why, the entire evening and it had been two hours in fact that they had sat over cups lukewarm coffee he had never quoted an author, famous or otherwise.

He next established the fact of the resurrection by a quotation from the very Law on which they had depended to show that resurrection was impossible.