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"No, I'm not ill," and Patty gave her stepmother a quizzical glance. "Sit down, Nan, and brace yourself for a shock. In me you behold a charming young debutante who has received her first proposal from a most worthy young man." "Good gracious, Patty! Kenneth?" "None other!" And Patty waved her hand dramatically. "Naturally, I'm not overcome with amazement, as he spoke to Fred about it first.

I believe that only poets and landsmen are fond of bad weather; and the steersman occasionally threw a demure, quizzical glance at a young girl who was hanging on by one hand to the companion hatch. The wind had heightened her colour, and the chance gleams of the moon showed the girl's face as a flash of warm brightness in the chill dreariness of the night.

The boy started back in alarm, as he noted the condition of the interior. The bunks lay broken on the floor, and it was plain that the whole apartment had been most thoroughly pillaged. As the boys stepped into the room George arose from a heap of blankets near a broken bunk and stood regarding them with a quizzical smile on his face.

"Nothing bad, I hope," said Mr. Middleton. "Nothing worse than going for a wife," answered Raymond. "He is not suited with Kentucky girls, but must needs plod back to New York." "If appearances do not deceive, you, at least, seem likely to be suited by a Kentuckian," replied Mr. Middleton, at the same time turning his black eyes on Mrs. Carrington with something of a quizzical expression.

I moved to Missouri from Kentucky after the war, and came from Missouri here." Sam looked at him, puzzled. "I allowed you'd never ranched it much," he said, vaguely. "How'd you happen to come out here?" The quizzical smile again crossed Buford's face. "I think I shall have to give that up, on my honour," he said. "We just seem to have started on West, and to have kept going until we got here.

The face of the hunter wore a quizzical look, and his only reply was a quiet smile. As he observed the looks of wonder his companions cast upon him, he became more thoughtful. "This is bad business," said he, shaking his head; "that is something I didn't expect to see." The progress of the canoe by this time was checked, and it was drifting with the current.

"It is lucky for that pirate that your humble servant is not in command of the Guardian-Mother," said Captain Scott. "Do you think yourself competent to command a steamer like the Guardian-Mother, my dear fellow?" asked Louis, with a rather quizzical expression on his face. "I know I am!" exclaimed Captain Scott emphatically; and he did not lack confidence in himself. "Why not?

In silence McLean gazed upon him, perplexed and clouded, his quizzical twinkle gone. Jack was taking this thing infernally to heart.... And it was a bad business. "You will let me do the telling," he stated at last, grimly. "What can be said, I'll say. Like a fool, I will meddle."

For the Count had melted away, and Miss Callis was not nearly so much occupied with her novel as she appeared to be. Mr. Mafferton rose, and again stroked his moustache, with a quizzical disciplinary air. "Oh woman, in your hours of ease Uncertain, coy, and hard to please!" He quoted. "You are a very whimsical young lady, but since you send me away I must abandon you." "Thanks so much!" I said.

The sheepman accepted the dish of beef, dipped out a spoonful of beans, broke off a slab of bread, and began his meal forthwith, meanwhile looking at Hardy curiously. "What's that you say you've noticed?" he inquired, and a quizzical smile lurked beneath his dripping mustache as he reached over and hefted the coffeepot.