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She answered him with her head bowed, her words barely audible. "It isn't a question of love. I should always love him whatever he did." "Ah!" The flicker of a smile crossed Bernard's face. "That is the woman's way. There's a good deal to be said for it, I daresay." "Yes yes." Quiveringly she made answer.

"He tried, but I I held him off. Only he talked to me Oh, how he talked. Like a river of words.... I hate all those words.... If ever again a man asks me to marry him I don't ever want him to talk about it. I want him just to say two words, Will you?" Her laugh caught quiveringly in her throat. It taxed all the young man's control to keep his tongue off the echo.

About the mother's head the bees were flying, touching her with their long tapering limbs; and, in her brain-picture, out of the shadow of the room came one with sallow face, deep-lined, the cheeks drawn into hollows, and a mouth smiling quiveringly. He stretched out his hand. And the mother drew back, and cried, "Who are you?" He answered nothing; and she looked up between his eyelids.

The room thus opened was tenanted by the revolting image of Lady Cayley. Now it loomed steadily in the dark, now it leapt quiveringly into the red, vaporous light. She could not see her husband, but she had a sickening sense that he was there, looming, and that his image, too, would leap into sight at some signal of her unwilling thought.

John Schuyler was at least a man not a palsied, pallid, shrunken, shriveled caricature of something that had once been human.... John Schuyler had hands not nerveless, shaking talons.... This sunken-eyed, sunken- cheeked, wrinkled thing was not John Schuyler this thing that crawled, quiveringly from the loose, pendulous lips of which came mirth that was more bitter to hear than the sobs of a soul condemned.

There were a whiteness and a sense of emptiness upon her and she wanted to crumple up rather sickly and cry, as if the blows had been diverted to her. They were suddenly and quiveringly themselves again, the panther laid. "You'll rue this," said Robert, walking back with some uncertainty of step to his desk, his eyes still slits.

And the whole garden was wrapped in silence, broken only by some sorrowful moans that sounded quiveringly. Serge began to shiver beneath the avenue of tall trees, along which they were walking. 'How cold it is here! said he in an undertone. 'You are cold indeed, murmured Albine, sadly. 'My hand is no longer able to warm you. Shall I wrap you round with part of my dress?

Long, thin streaks of light began to reach quiveringly down into the canyon. The red sun rose rapidly above the tops of the blazing pines, and its glow burst into the gulf, about the very doorstep on which Thea sat. It bored into the wet, dark underbrush. The dripping cherry bushes, the pale aspens, and the frosty PINONS were glittering and trembling, swimming in the liquid gold.

Hollister stood in the middle of his room, staring at the door without seeing the door, without seeing the bulky shadow his body cast on the wall in the pale glow of a single droplight. He was seeing everything and seeing nothing; acutely, quiveringly conscious and yet oblivious to his surroundings by reason of the poignancy of his thought.

She had planned a visit to Boswell when her enthusiasm was at its height, but at the day's end she found herself so exhausted that she sought her room in a state bordering on collapse. Sounds outside caught and held her attention; every sense was quiveringly alert and receptive; she was at the mercy of her subconscious self.