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"Then," said Pierre, resolutely, "I shall remember that, when renouncing Micheline, I promised to be a brother to her, and if you compel me I will defend her." "You are threatening me, I think," cried Serge, beside himself. "No! I warn you." "Enough," said the Prince, scarcely able to command himself. "For any little service you have rendered me, from henceforth we are quits.

Seckendorf is not now himself at Berlin; but running much about, on other errands; can only see Friedrich Wilhelm, if at all, in a passing way. And even this will soon cease; and in fact, to us it is by far the most excellent result of this French-Austrian War, that it carries Seckendorf clear away; who now quits Berlin and the Diplomatic line, and obligingly goes out of our sight henceforth.

It is a personal question which every man must meet squarely for himself not for his neighbor. I am not afraid of whisky. I am not opposed to it, as an issue. In fact, I respect it, for, personally, it has given me one peach of a scrap and we are quits." The old man listened with interest. "Ye c'n no more kape a McKim from foightin' thin ye c'n kape a dacoit from staylin," he chuckled.

He twirled a card across the table, and it fell face down before Long. He took it up without turning it over, tore it across and dropped it on the floor. "Stranger," he said, "you and me's quits. I don't know you and you don't know me.

After a short period of activity, when the equal balance of loss and reparation is once removed, man quits the stage of life, and the law of mortality depopulates the earth.

If a difference between the races be allowed, it is sufficient for the present purpose. That allowed, and Scot and Southern being fecund in literary genius, it becomes an interesting inquiry to what extent the great literary men of the one race have influenced the great literary men of the other. On the whole, perhaps, the two races may fairly cry quits.

Here is five hundred pounds more, and now we are quits." The eyes of the old man were fixed upon me in astonishment, and from my face they glanced upon the notes; he could, to use a common expression, neither believe his eyes nor his ears. At last he took the money, again unbuttoned and pulled out his pocket-book, and with a trembling hand stowed them away as before.

It will help, because when I say we will cry quits, I mean that you shall receive an equivalent for your houses a nominal equivalent of course, which the bank nominally takes back as payment of the mortgages." "That is not very clear," said Orsino. "I do not understand you." "No," laughed Del Ferice. "I admit that it is not.

What follows bears date AFTER the loss of Dresden, but while Henri still knew only of the siege, that JAGER of the 13th first brought him news of the loss. "A day or two after Ziethen's adventure, Henri quits Sagan, to move southward for a stroke at the Bohemian-Lausitz magazines; a stroke, and series of strokes.

Already he floated above the common world, looking down upon its tortured contours and half-defaced frontiers for the true poet is a fakîr who quits his physical body at the beck of inspiration, to return laden with strange secrets. Jules Thessaly's letter explaining his extraordinary breach of good behaviour had been characteristic of the man.