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"Keep up your nerve, fellows," said Watson, who had become the leader of the party, "and remember that all depends upon the quietness with which we conduct things on this floor, so that the guard below won't take the alarm." As he spoke there was a rattling of keys and a creaking of locks. The heavy door of the room opened, and in walked Waggie.

I am not angry with you, that is not meant for a reproach, you are an angel; but it seems to me a century since you started. Monsieur The man was just going to shut his shop up. My gloves are covered with it... it's sticky... it's horrid, pah! the abomination! At last I shall have peace and quietness. Madame Oh! no harsh words, they hurt me so.

Carleton, bending down a little nearer to their sphere of action. "Mr. Carleton is unreasonable to require more testimony of that this evening," said Mr. Thorn; "his own must have been ill employed." Fleda did not look up, but the absolute quietness of Mr. Carleton's manner could be felt; she felt it, almost with sympathetic pain. Thorn immediately left them, and took leave.

Chamberlain had resumed his seat, "the hon. member for Birmingham will always address the House with the same quietness, and with the same intelligence displayed on this occasion, I can assure him the House of Commons will always be ready to listen to him." This is delicious, looking back over the years, watching Mr.

If you are a lady, with a lady's refinement, every one in the house will know it, will feel it, and you will never mention the subject; they must feel it, then there will be no arguing on the subject. It must be demonstrated by your deftness, your quietness, your cheerfulness, your education, your intelligence, your quick appreciation of other good qualities.

Some of them made a rather marked show of secreting knives in the straw of their beds, and no doubt it had its effect upon more than one young heart that secretly thrilled at the sight of the shining blades. However, all was undisturbed that evening. The lights were put out, and the lads retired with more than usual quietness, only for the murmur of whispering.

'And something is meant by this unusual quietness in Foreign stocks since the late remarkable fluctuations, insisted the old man. 'Is the current of speculation quite arrested, or is it but a temporary lull?

And when He giveth quietness, then who can make trouble?" "But I have a particular reason, Juanita. I am very glad of my hurt foot; though it does ache." "The aching will not be so bad by and by," said the woman, her kindly face all working with emotion. She stood there by Daisy's couch and prayed. No bathing nor breakfast could so soothe and refresh Daisy as that prayer.

Toussaint halted his party, quickly whispered his directions, and withdrew them with all speed and quietness within the black shade of a cacao-plantation, on the left of the road.

She was not yet quite skilled enough in the art of peace, to give the "soft answer;" but her silence and quietness turned away Mrs. Parker's wrath, and after dinner, Edith prepared herself for the visit of her dear Emilie. Mrs. Parker and her two elder daughters were going to pay a visit to town this summer, and as Edith was not thought old enough to accompany them, Mrs.