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Sleep came quickly to me, at all events, and whenever I woke during the night, as I did some three or four times, there was booming in my ears that rude music which remained the constant accompaniment of all our lives and doings in Livorno Bay: the dull roar of Pacific breakers on the sand below us, varied by a long sibilant intaking of breath, as it seemed, caused by the back-wash of every wave's subsidence.

"It will not, I declare to Heaven," said he, "for all that may be put into it, unless one possessed of lands, and domains, and treasure, shall arise and tread down with both his feet the food that is within the bag, and shall say, 'Enough has been put therein." Then said Rhiannon unto Gwawl the son of Clud, "Rise up quickly." "I will willingly arise," said he.

"Hold the apple so," said Grandmother, showing just how an apple should be cored, "and turn the corer so see if you can do the next, Mary Jane." Mary Jane could. Not as quickly as Grandmother had done it, of course, but she did it just the same and set it into the bowl as Grandmother had done. "Now comes the fun part," said Grandmother; "your mother used to love to fix apples I remember."

That should suffice to carry you to France. Fare you well until we meet at Calais." And without giving the boy time to utter thanks that might be unwilling, he quickly left the room. Within the hour he was in the saddle, and his horse's head was turned northwards once more. He rode through Newport some three hours later without drawing rein.

Her eyes looked gloomily forward, sometimes as his words touched a latent chord of hope, turning quickly upon him and enveloping him in a look of pathetic trust. At the evening halt she ate nothing, sitting in a muse against the wagon wheel. Presently she put her plate down and, mounting on the axle, scanned the way they had come.

A sudden shower, vanishing almost as quickly as it had come, had washed the rough pavement of the old street to a semblance of cleanliness. In a very real sense it had also washed the air until it shimmered with the translucence of a pearl. A soft wind blew up from the south and the streets were drenched with sunshine.

"I am getting old," he went on quickly, his face clearing; "my perceptions are not so keen, nor my memory so quick as it used to be.

But this difficulty in breathing passed away so quickly that she scolded herself for the excessive anxiety she always felt on his account, an anxiety that had embittered so many years of her life. But one night he had another attack, worse than the others he had already had at home.

"But you enjoy it so much when you have it." "That's just the trouble. You have to enjoy it as quickly as you can because you never know when you are going to lose every bit of it without warning. It's been that way ever since I married rich one year, poor the next, or poor for two years and then rich for three.

They yelled, kicked, and screamed; and squirming themselves loose, scampered quickly away from their irate instructor. "Dat meerschaum can't be fixed," he soliloquized, taking the bare stem out of his mouth and looking sorrowfully at it. "'Cause dere ishn't anything to fix it mit.