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A minute more, and you are lost. Do you not hear them? They have entered the yard; they are coming up." Indeed, at this moment, the groans, the hisses, and cheers redoubled in violence; the wooden staircase which led to the first story shook beneath the quick steps of many persons, and the shout arose, loud and piercing: "Battle to the Devourers!"

If his grammatical questions, his discussions of rhymes and synonyms, astonished us at times, how often, on the other hand, did he not give us cause to admire the variety of his knowledge, the precision of his ideas, the charm of his quick intelligence! We found him always, besides, kindly and amiable, a nature one might trust and lean upon with perfect security.

Instead he resorted to methods of agility and cunning, for quick as are the great cats, even quicker is Tarzan of the Apes. With outspread, raking talons and bared fangs Numa sprang for the naked chest of the ape-man.

The sins that were thine were those of the man to whom pleasure is all in all: thou wert, from root to branch, sap and in heart, what moralists term the libertine; hence the light wooing, the quick desertion, the broken faith, the organized perfidy, that manifested thy bearing to those gentler creatures who called thee 'Gentleman George. Never to one solitary woman, until the last dull flame of thy dotage, didst thou so behave as to give no foundation to complaint and no voice to wrong.

She hesitated a moment, and then said, "Good-bye," and went out. She met Miss Parkin in the hall, and explained. Up in the ward, Miss Lucy was quick to see that Polly was troubled. "How did the story go?" she asked. "I don't know," Polly sighed. "I guess she did n't like it, 'cause she seemed to be thinking about something else, and she said I need n't stay any longer.

Stark and his little band, now reduced from a dozen to nine, accompanied the army back to winter quarters; for John desired to see his friends, and also to raise recruits for next season's campaign, now that he had learned experience, and had inspiring tales to tell of adventure, victory, and quick retributive vengeance upon a treacherous and rapacious enemy.

It filled the room; stifled the cry on her lips; froze her steps to the floor, stopped the beating of her heart. Just then the door opened. "Oh, doctor! Come quick!" she sobbed, stretching out her hand for help, and then covering her eyes. "Come close! Look at mother! Is she better or is she dead?"

Some place must soon be reached where the banks would be low enough to be ascended, and the current not too quick to hinder him from crossing to the shore. He was spirited past several rocks, one of which he only avoided with great difficulty, so swiftly did the current carry him along.

"But won't the scouts and patrols be catching us pretty quick? The operator sent a warning." "Afraid the ether's empty, as far as we're concerned. They could neutralize our detector screens, and the scouts' detectors are the same as ours." Captain Bradley had stood by in silent astonishment during this conversation.

"You're sure you don't mean feet instead of miles?" suggested Tim dubiously. "It's miles all right," laughed Harvey. "Electricity travels at the same rate as the light that comes to us from the sun and stars." "What becomes of this electrical impulse after it gets started on that quick trip?" asked Larry. "How does the fellow on the other end get what you're trying to tell him."