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After he had closed the door, he stood leaning with his back against it for a moment. He was facing two pictures that gazed at him from the mantel: One was the patient, wistful face of his Aunt Eunice; the other was Philippa's, looking straight out at him with such honest, sincere eyes, such eager questioning, that he could not meet their clear gaze.

After the visitors who had met that morning in Josephine's drawing- room had departed the general still remained, notwithstanding the astonished and questioning looks of the viscountess, paying no attention to her remarks about the fine weather, or her intention to enjoy a promenade.

"So she does," was the answer; "but she knows it was wrong for her to marry as she did. She says she knew he did not love her, and felt sure that he would never own her." "But he does now," said Faith, with a questioning look at the buyer. "Yes, I believe he has admitted that she is really his wife, but the poor girl has demanded that the marriage be annulled."

"Heaps, but the fact is I didn't bring them home. I felt so tired. I don't know how I should have managed to get home myself if Dr. Callandar hadn't picked me up." "Dr. Callandar?" Esther's voice was mildly questioning. "Yes, why not?" "I thought you had not met him." "Neither I had at least I hadn't met him for a good many years." Mary gave a little excited laugh.

"These sort of ailments depend so much on diet," said the physician, as if to justify the closeness of his questioning. "Your servant prepares your breakfast, of course is he a person whom you can trust?" "Yes; he is an old servant of my father's. I could trust him implicitly in far more important matters than the preparation of my breakfast." "Indeed!

"Keep your nerve!" he repeated sharply. "Open the door, please, quick!" Mary cast a questioning glance at Jack, who, bewildered, nodded his consent. She unlocked the door. The next moment a dozen reporters crowded into the room, the redoubtable Mr. Mayfair at their head; and behind them could be seen the pale, curious faces of William, Miss Gardner, and M. Dubois. Mrs.

There was a serious and questioning look in Irene's eyes as they followed the graceful form of Miss Lord, but Mary Louise and Aunt Hannah paid no heed to their visitor's going in to select a book, it seemed so natural a thing for her to do. It was fully fifteen minutes before Agatha returned, book in hand. Irene glanced at the title and gave a sigh of relief.

Let us say rather that this sweet picture of Miss Lady, doubled by the glass, remains to-day imperishably preserved in the old mirror the picture of Miss Lady dancing as the bird flies, and then standing, plaintive and questioning, before her own image, loving it because it was beautiful and friendly, dreading it because she could not understand.

Not a few halted me with rough questioning, and once I was haled before an officer, who, hearing my story, and possibly impressed by my proficiency in his language, was kind enough to provide me with a pass good within the lines.

It was during a period of thoughtful silence when the night was darkest just before the dawn and the rain had settled to a dismal drizzle unrelieved by lightning or by thunder that the five occupants of the room were suddenly startled by a strange pattering sound from the floor below. It was as the questioning fall of a child's feet upon the uncarpeted boards in the room beneath them.