United States or Christmas Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Hastings, while his countenance flushed, for he readily understood the nature of the questioning to which he was to be subjected. "What was the name of your wife?" was the next query, and Mr. Hastings replied, "Ella Grey." "Will you describe her?" said Uncle Nat, and almost as vividly as the features of Dora Deane were delineated by the artist's power, did Mr.

Here he ran out of breath and stopped. Fora moment no one spoke. Then from a flat-chested little spinster came this query in tired yet interested tones: "Was he was he married?"

It was so situated under the eaves of the house, that he could put his hand in and feel the young ones. At last, he found the nest gone, and was grieved thereby. Query, whether the descendants of the original builders of the nest inhabited it during the whole thirty years. If so, the family might vie for duration with the majority of human families. February 15. At the Custom House, Mr.

He did not cry out, or call the attention of the others to it, but stood with his feet apart, examining it, his first remark being a query as to why it didn't fly the American flag. It's ensign was British. Then Moreton saw the locomotive, was told that it was his, and took possession of it violently. Why wasn't there more track? Wouldn't I get more track?

'What's your produce? is now the first query at this season, when planters meet. Calculations are made daily, nay hourly, to see how much is being got per beegah, or how much per vat. The presses are calculated to weigh so much. Some days you will get a press a vat, some days it will mount up to two presses a vat, and at other times it will recede to half a press a vat, or even less.

"Yes'm, suppah's on de table, an' I's come to set yere and 'tend to you uns while Miss Eva gwine eat wif de res' of de folks," said a neatly dressed, pleasant-faced, elderly coloured woman, who had entered the room just in time to hear the query in regard to the bell. "But, missus, Miss Elsie she tole me for to ax you could you take somethin' mo'?"

Nay, hurry me not it said that this 'Sir Huflit' the ambassador has put a query against his name and his servant yes, yes, I am sure it said his servant too well, that they both of them, being angry at the treatment they had met with from the infidel Turks no, I forgot to add there were three of them, one a priest, who did otherwise.

Enlisting the services of some four hundred "collectors," the committee instructed each of these to address to twenty-five adults, selected at random, the query, "Have you ever, when believing yourself to be completely awake, had a vivid impression of seeing or being touched by a living being or inanimate object, or of hearing a voice; which impression, so far as you could discover, was not due to any external physical cause?"

The first thing of course was to take a view of the Christmas tree and the presents. Rosie and Evelyn had declined to tell what they were until they could show them, even refusing to answer Lulu's eager query, put while they were driving to the Oaks, "O Rosie, did your mamma give you the set of pearls you wanted so badly?"

And, as he rubbed the brass-work, he told himself under his breath: "The old party's sure been through the mill. Such things just got to happen." "No," the Ancient Mariner was continuing, in his thin falsetto, in reply to a query. "It wasn't the wounds that made me faint. It was the exertion I made in the struggle. I was too weak.