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With head up aggressively, Drake was undoubtedly making an effort to throw himself into the role or perhaps into a role chosen on the spot! "Where's everybody?" he called from the doorway. "Am I early?" "Don't interrupt, please, dear," Carolyn Drake answered, her voice trembling now, where before it must have been sharp and querulous.

We must not confound his thin and querulous reserve with that stout and deep-browed patience, which may imply as superb a fortitude, and may demand as much iron control in a statesman, as the most heroic exploits of political energy. But his habit of waiting on force, instead of, like the other, taking the initiative with force, had trained his sight.

It brought a crowd of discontented colonists, many of whom had grave reasons for their discontent; and it brought letters from the Admiral in which more and more promises were held out, but in which also querulous complaints against this and that person, and against the Spanish settlers generally, were set forth at wearisome length.

"A lot of good it does us to have all that information about Eben Wheeler's asthma!" she complained. "It'll buy us a new stove, I guess. Him and his old Bumpus papers! If the house burned down over our heads that's all he'd think of." As she passed to and fro from the dining-room to the kitchen Hannah's lamentations continued, grew more and more querulous.

When he did, though, he hurried bunglingly, in spite of a nervous flash in which after accidentally touching the revolver in his pocket he almost threw it through the pane of the nearest window before he considered. A moment, though, and he was back with a spilling tumbler. "Water," said Mr. Piper with querulous satisfaction. "Give her water." Oliver hesitated. "Where's she shot?" he said sharply.

'So long as you don't get in, he heard himself muttering, 'so long as you don't get in, my friend! 'What's that you're saying? came up the muffled, querulous voice; 'I can't for the life of me hear, my boy. 'Nothing, nothing, came softly the answer from the foot of the stairs. 'I was only speaking to myself.

We wanted no stronger admonition, and, accordingly, all of us who were able, set off with the utmost velocity with which God had gifted us. I have some faint recollection that I myself headed the flight. I remember well that I dashed up the Strand, and dashed down a singular little shed, from which emanated the steam of tea, and a sharp, querulous scream of "All hot all hot! a penny a pint."

Mix was fiercely jealous of his prestige; by long practice he had warped himself into thinking that it belonged to him; and he was ready to defend it with every conceivable weapon. For the moment, however, Mr. Mix was querulous rather than defensive.

"I'm thankful to God," returned Olivia, "for all his good gifts, and He has blessed me abundantly, but why should I be thankful to you for the property my father left me?" "Why should you be thankful to me?" rejoined Mrs. Ochiltree with querulous indignation. "You'd better ask why shouldn't you be thankful to me. What have I not done for you?" "Yes, Aunt Polly, I know you've done a great deal.

Philip now knew beyond doubt that he was the subject of debate, for all the time that the Duke in a low tone, half cordial, half querulous, spoke to the new-comer, the latter let his eyes wander curiously towards Philip. That he was an officer of great importance was to be seen from the deference paid him by Dalbarade.