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"She's the best pal," said Pierre soberly, "and the nearest to a man I've ever met." "Nearest to a man?" queried Wilbur, and smiled, but so furtively that even the sharp eye of Red Pierre did not perceive the mockery. He went on: "But the dance, what of that? It's a masquerade. There'd be no fear of being recognized." Pierre was silent a moment more.

We were having tea. It wasn't much after five I should say about a quarter past." "Then the shot that Miss Trevert heard would have been fired just about the time that you, sir," he turned to Robin, "were coming in from your stroll." "Somewhere about that time, I should say!" Robin answered rather thoughtfully. "Did you hear it?" queried the Inspector. "No," said Robin.

Sure he's ragin' since Bo was killed. This old fox will be dangerous if he gets goin'." "Where is he now?" I queried. "Over at the Hope So. Must be a dozen of the gang there. But he's the only leader left we know of. If we get him, the rustler gang will be broken for good. He's sent word down here for us to let our prisoners go or there'd be a damn bloody fight. We haven't sent our answer yet.

"That feature of the affair still remains a mystery." "But cannot this man Barker be induced to make some statement?" he queried. "He will scarcely betray the woman to whom he owes his present prosperity, for he is prosperous and has a snug little balance at his bank. Besides, even though we took the matter in hand, what could we do? There is no evidence against him or against the woman.

"'I wonder how long they are going to stay, said the Judge, after we had waited some fifteen minutes. The conversation behind the arras, at first low and murmuring, was becoming animated. I distinctly heard the Parsee say, 'Who are the blaggards ye've brought here wid ye? followed by an unintelligible reply. "'What did he say? queried the Judge, looking up sharply.

If anything the air of conciliation augmented. "You think circumstances weren't to blame?" he queried. "That, in other words, I've brought things about as they are deliberately?" "I don't think anything. I know what you've done and what you've got to answer for." Instinctively, almost with a shudder, Craig glanced about him.

"Where are you going?" he queried in an injured tone; for it was one of his pet grievances that the girl refused to be appropriated by himself whenever he wished to enjoy her society. "Can't you sit still for an hour at least? You have been rushing about all the morning. Surely now you can take a rest!" But Peggy shook her head. "Impossible! I'm engaged straight away from now until tea-time.

Just between you and me, the humiliation of Crane made certain high officials pretty happy. I was queried and I gave you all the credit." "Before or after the good Senator fell on his face?" Halliday laughed. "Okay, pal. You're entitled to your little dig. But you know this I'm with you and I always will be." "And I'm with you, too, pal," Brent said wearily and hung up. The phone rang again.

On learning that the college units do everything on a farm, she queried anxiously, "But how about their corsets?" To the explanation, "They don't wear any," came the regret, "What a pity to make themselves so unattractive!"

"Bill, did you-all shoot, a time back?" queried Mr. Brewster the moment the possé came up. Bill laughed. "Ah'll explain in a minute. You-all see it wa'r this way: After you-all left for home, yesterday, it wa'r found how some low-down sneaks got wind of this claim and planned to ride up at once.