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She is quite right, I'm sure; although of course we scarcely like it. And anyhow, Nancy, she won't allow us to go to a midnight picnic; there's no use thinking about it." "But suppose you don't ask her. Of course, if she's an old maid she'll refuse. Old maids are the queerest, dumpiest things on the earth. I'm really thankful I'm not bothered with any of them. Oh! here comes Pen.

The blue sock slid from her lap to the floor, forgotten. "Yes, it's Banjo," said Nola. "I wonder where he's been all summer? I haven't seen him in an age." "Who is he?" Frances inquired, looking out at the approaching figure, "The troubadour of the North Platte, I call him," laughed Nola; "the queerest little traveling musician in a thousand miles.

"Come with me, then, to my bedroom while I change. I have the queerest feeling that some one is in my room. I don't want to be alone. Are you afraid?" Hetty held back, her face blanching. "No, I am not afraid," she cried at once, and started toward the door. "There IS some one in this room," said Sara a few moments later, when they were in the big bedroom down the hall.

I think that's the queerest thing about him." "It certainly is. Say, Will, how is poor little Dodo getting on?" "Oh, as well as you can expect. They're going to operate soon, I heard. How is Mollie standing it, Grace?" "Fairly well. Isn't it strange that we should meet the two autoists?" "Yes. Have you put them wise yet?" "Wise? What do you mean? Such slang!" "I mean told 'em who you are?"

There was a Rock on which her spirit dwelt which Alison knew nothing about. Now, the thought of Grannie and her religion stirred the girl's heart in the queerest way. "I don't do any good," she said to herself; "seems as if the Lord didn't care for poor folks, or he wouldn't let all this sort of thing come on me.

"He murdered him murdered his cousin?" "Sure as you live. Only don't split on me. It's about the queerest business I ever ran into... DO ABOUT IT? Why, what was I to do? I couldn't hang the poor devil, could I? Lord, but I was glad when they collared him, and had him stowed away safe in there!" The tall man listened with a grave face, grasping Granice's statement in his hand.

Then suddenly I came by a rare piece of chance, since it was not in the main body of records and might easily have been missed upon something which aroused my keenest eagerness, fitting in as it did with several of the queerest phases of the affair. It was the record of a lease, in 1697, of a small tract of ground to an Etienne Roulet and wife.

But the engagement astounded the young people, and most of their fathers and mothers, too; and as a topic it supplanted literature at the next meeting of the "Women's Tennyson Club." "Wilbur Minafer!" a member cried, her inflection seeming to imply that Wilbur's crime was explained by his surname. "Wilbur Minafer! It's the queerest thing I ever heard!

I'm a companionable beggar, I believe; and here I was in a ship where I didn't know a living soul until I met you and Senhouse. Didn't even know that you knew Senhouse. Queer fish, eh? Oh, the queerest fish in the sea! But you know all that, of course." Mrs.

And that their son would let them, would remain himself! "What did we come for anyhow?" queried Molly. "The world is full of charming places. You do adopt the queerest notions, Malise." Malise sat convicted. It had sounded so alluring, so suggestive of charm and languor; the very name of Aden had breathed a sort of magic.