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"Red hand by my faith, but you are bold, Monsieur!" Leicester tapped his foot upon the floor impatiently, then caught the Queen's eye, and gave her a meaning look. De la Foret saw the look and knew his enemy, but he did not quail. "Bold only by your high Majesty's faith, indeed," he answered the Queen, with harmless guile. Elizabeth smiled. She loved such flattering speech from a strong man.

"What!" interrupted the Countess d'Artois, "your majesty does not know who Leonard is Leonard the queen's hair dresser Leonard the autocrat of fashion? He it is who imagined our lovely sister's coiffure, and certainly these feathers are superb!" "Beautiful indeed!" cried the Countess de Provence, with an appearance of ecstasy.

Now, it is perfectly possible and, as the family had been on the spot for centuries, it is even probable that her great-grandfather might have dug the hole in which Mary planted her tree, or he may have saddled the queen's horse when she went hunting, or stood by the roadside and lifted his bonnet as she and her gay train swept by.

The nobles might easily have taken, tried, and hanged Riccio, but they yielded to Darnley and to their own excited passions, when once they had torn him from the Queen. The personal pleasure of dirking the wretch could not be resisted, and the danger of causing the Queen's miscarriage and death may have entered into the plans of Darnley.

I do not know whether this was called the "higher education of women" at the time. In every office of the palaces is a Bible, or book of acts of the church, or chronicle, for the use of whoever comes in, so that the court looks more like a university than a palace. Would to God the houses of the nobles were ruled like the queen's!

It is only the brittle porcelain pagoda, that tottles on a toe. But though Harry's hand was lady-like looking, and had once been white as the queen's cambric handkerchief, and free from a stain as the reputation of Diana; yet, his late pulling and hauling of halyards and clew-lines, and his occasional dabbling in tar-pots and slush-shoes, had somewhat subtracted from its original daintiness.

Yet there, as in some realistic dream, she was led on to talk about her war charities and Sir Michael's experiments without trembling, and found herself able to listen with intelligence to the Queen's practical suggestions about war work and the application of relief funds in crowded districts.

The night told me little of who they might be, although they were both in the uniform of the Queen's Rangers, the one called Peter on my right a round, squat figure, and bald-headed, his bare scalp shining oddly when once he removed his cocked hat; the other was an older man, with gray chin beard, and glittering display of teeth.

These favoured damsels enjoy a modest income of three hundred a year, and wear a badge the Queen's picture, surrounded with brilliants on a red bow such as the public may have seen in the portraits of several of the Maids of Honour belonging to the Queen which were exhibited on the walls of the Academy within recent years.

I am dining to-night rather early with oh, by the way, it is with one of your chiefs Eric Learington. A good fellow a good fellow! We are going to some music afterwards at Queen's Hall. Good-bye. I'm very glad you realize Adela Sellingworth's great distinction and charm.