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The sentry, not liking the look of the animal, found something important to do at the other end of his beat, while the bear proceeding on board unmolested, frightened nearly out of his wits a burly petty officer doing duty as quartermaster, and then followed up his moral victory by chasing him round and round the upper deck.

We remained in town until two o'clock P. M., tearing railroad track and destroying railroad property, as well as commissary and quartermaster stores found in public buildings. At the hour above named we were ordered out to support the First Maine Cavalry in a spirited skirmish with Rebel cavalry.

The opposition lawyers winced; and when Sutton asked if permission would be given to hear the testimony of the post commander and quartermaster, both familiar with the quality of cattle the government had been receiving for years, the commissioner, having admitted damaging testimony, objected on the ground that they were under suspension, and military men were not considered specialists outside their own vocation.

There remained with him Colonel Swords, quartermaster; Captain H. S. Turner, First Dragoons; Captains Emory and Warner, Topographical Engineers; Assistant Surgeon Griffin, and Lieutenant J. W. Davidson.

They were large and red, and rough with the hard work on board the Dixie; regarded them respectfully, almost with awe, for had they not restrained that glorious being in the full tide of her youth and beauty! "Now it's too late," said Quintan. "What do you mean by too late?" asked the quartermaster. "Well, she's passed forty," said Quintan.

Well, you must know, Pathfinder, for I cannot reasonably deny you the gratification of hearing this, so you must know the minx bounded off in that manner in preference to hearing what I had to say in your justification." "And what could you find to say in my behalf, Quartermaster?"

"If my words are not plain, the idee is. In short, Master Cap, while Sergeant Dunham has been preparing himself for a long journey, like a conscientious and honest man as he is, deliberately, the Quartermaster has started, in a hurry, before him; and, although it is a matter on which it does not become me to be very positive, I give it as my opinion that they travel such different roads that they will never meet."

"Can't be too careful," Jack told himself. Fifteen minutes later, the lookout was able to make out more clearly the ship ahead of them. "Steamer Hazelton," he called to the quartermaster, who reported to Jack. "Same vessel that sent the wireless, Frank," was Jack's comment. "We will have to look sharp.

"That's just it, Pathfinder; and when I come to draw up the report of our success against the boats, and the defence of the block, together with the general operations, including the capitulation, ye'll no' find any omission of your claims and merits." "Tut for my claims and merits, Quartermaster! Lundie knows what I am in the forest and what I am in the fort; and the General knows better than he.

The splash of a hawser into the dock; the deep notes of the engine-room telegraph, and the clicking reply upon the bridge; the spinning of the wheel as a quartermaster tests the steering engine; the clack and spit of winches, and finally the thrilling shout of the foghorn, whose echo leaves you trembling all these things have a painful significance, and they bite and grip into the heart.