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Aiming it in the map direction of Qualpha's Village, he let go with everything he had hot jets, rocket-booster and all. The forest landscape came hurtling out of the horizon toward them. Qualpha's was where the trouble had first broken out, after the bug-out from Sanders; the troops hadn't been able to get there in time, and it had been burned.

And what's worse, he's making the natives build them themselves, whether they want to or not, and that's forced labor. That reminds me; has anybody started raising the devil about those Kwanns from Qualpha's and Darshat's you brought here and Paul put to work?" Gonzales looked at Travis and then said: "Not with me. Not yet, anyhow." "They've been at General Maith," Travis said shortly.

He didn't believe there was going to be a Last Hot Time. He was an intellectual, he was. He started the contragravity-field generator as soon as Miles was in his seat. "Where now, boss?" he asked. "Qualpha's Village. We won't let down; just circle low over it. I want some views of the ruins. Then to Sanders' plantation." "O.K., boss; hold tight." He had the car up to ten thousand feet.

"How's it going, Paul?" he asked over his radio. "I see you have some help, now." "Everybody's from Qualpha's, and from Darshat's," Sanders replied. "The Army had no place to put them, after they burned themselves out." He laughed happily. "Miles, I'm going to save my whole crop! I thought I was wiped out, this morning." He would have been, if Gonzales hadn't brought those Kwanns in.