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But the wife whose industry keeps him and his household from beggary, who pays the rent and taxes which constitute him a voter, who is therefore really responsible for his qualification to vote, is not taken into account in the slightest degree. I came in contact not long ago with a great girls' school in the south of England. It was founded by women, and it is administered by women.

There were some schools, so called, but no qualification was ever required of a teacher beyond "readin', writin', and cipherin'" to the rule of three. If a straggler supposed to understand Latin happened to sojourn in the neighborhood, he was looked upon as a wizard. There was absolutely nothing to excite ambition for education. Of course, when I came of age, I did not know much.

The basic principle of the Daiho code was that the people at large, without regard to rank or pedigree, owed equal duty to the State; that only those having special claims on public benevolence were entitled to fixed exemptions, and that not noble birth but intellectual capacity and attainments constituted a qualification for office.

Once successfully brought out upon the stage, she would have a profession which would be to her an unfailing means of support. According to the best of my judgment, she possessed every mental and physical qualification necessary to constitute a good actress.

One or two of the women performed this with considerable agility and adroitness, considering the clumsiness of their boots and jackets, and seemed to pride themselves in some degree on the qualification.

Having thus completed the investigation of qualification which had suggested itself in connexion with the matter in hand, the Sutras return to the being measured by a thumb, and state another reason for its being explained as Brahman as already understood on the basis of its being declared the ruler of what is and what will be. On account of the trembling.

It is taken for granted that the wise pastor will think twice before organizing a boys' club. It were better for him to leave the whole enterprise in the innocent realm of his castles in Spain than to add another failure to the many that have been made in this attractive and difficult field. Enthusiasm is essential, but taken alone it is an embarrassing qualification.

Her laugh was more normal this time; she gave his arm a kindly touch and put it from her. "But I'm as meek as a lamb," protested Saltash. She met his look with friendly eyes. "Yes, I know a lamb in wolf's clothing rather a frisky lamb, Charles, but comparatively harmless. If I hadn't realized that I shouldn't have asked you to come." "I like your qualification," he said.

It is however singular that though the house continued to sit till April 19th the only entry on the journals respecting this bill occurs on the 13th making it a qualification of the candidates that they should be "persons of known integrity, fearing God, and not scandalous in their conversation."

It is a very distinct and beautiful, small-growing lawn tree, and succeeding, as it does, best in shade is an extra qualification. FABIANA IMBRICATA. Chili, 1838. This is, unfortunately, not hardy in any but the milder maritime parts of England and Ireland. It is a charming shrub of Heather-like appearance, with small, crowded leaves, and pure white flowers produced in May.