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Jacko seems puzzled at first, and held out his hand again; then he looked round on the men with that expression of unutterable woe which is peculiar to some species of the monkey tribe. He seemed to feel that something serious was about to happen to him. Looking up in the sad face of his young mistress, he uttered a very gentle and plaintive "oo-oo-ee!"

"See, my blacksmith," said Parpon, "your bird shall be taught to sing, and to Paris she shall go by and by." "Such foolery!" said Duclosse. "What's in your noddle, Parpon?" cried the charcoalman. The blacksmith looked at Parpon, his face all puzzled eagerness. But another face at the door grew pale with suspense. Parpon quickly turned towards it. "See here, Madelinette," he said, in a low voice.

But you are the only woman who ever beat me and puzzled me. You did not care much, after all." To Madeline he says, after he has swallowed a second stimulant: "But for you, I would not be here. You women have hunted me down. But you are as brave as a lioness a little Nemesis. I won't bear malice."

The Little Doctor paid him the tribute of hurrying to the window where she could watch him go down the path. In his walk, in the set of his head, there was still something that puzzled her. She hoped that he was not offended, and she thankfully remembered a good deal that she had left unsaid. She saw him turn and beckon, and then wait until the Kid had joined him from the kitchen.

All she wanted was to be a little girl, to be efficiently taken care of by some yielding yet superior power, stupider and steadier than herself. It seemed that the only lover she had ever wanted was a lover in a dream. One day in the midst of Gloria's illness there occurred a curious incident that puzzled Miss McGovern, the trained nurse, for some time afterward.

The two younger ones seemed to me disposed to be amiable, but if I looked at them it was only to feed my despair and the cruel pangs of repentance. At last Laura, whom I expected anxiously, came back; she told me that the dear patient remained in the same state of debility; the doctor had been greatly puzzled by her extreme weakness because he did not know to what cause to attribute it.

"I was wondering if you would mind telling me what made you do it what made you bring me out here and nurse me and sit up with me. What made you do it?" "What made me do it?" Her voice was puzzled. "I never thought of what made me do it. I loved you, Peggy. You are my friend, you know, and you were sick. I wanted to do it." "Diphtheria is ketchin'." "Not if you're careful.

And, too, the curious serenity, the sense of completeness which came to him when she sat quietly beside him, puzzled him. He wondered if it was only a temporary state of mind, or would it last forever if he were with her. He would conquer himself of course, he must; and he had proved by his life thus far that he was strong enough to do anything he had to.

But soberly, I consider his folly scarce bad enough for the punishment of your eternal condemnation." "This man thinks lightly indeed of me," thought Olivia. "Drimdarroch has a good advocate," said she shortly, "and the last I would have looked for in his defence was just yourself." "Drimdarroch?" he repeated, in a puzzled tone. "Will you be telling me that you do not know?" she said.

"It is just like you to do so." "Is it? Oh well, I shall have to make some more, perhaps, before I have done." "Well, you'd better look out what you say to Kennedy, at any rate. He is a fiery subject." "Thank you, I will." This wrangling was very unprofitable, and Lillyston gladly dropped it, not however without feeling somewhat puzzled at the air which Brogten assumed.