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Pushing ahead into this new fiord, we found that it was not only packed with bergs, but that the spaces between the bergs were crusted with new ice, compelling us to turn back while we were yet several miles from the discharging frontal wall.

"Is that all you've got for me?" she asked, pushing the book off her lap. "Yes, it is," said Lasse, his voice trembling; and he picked up the book. "Who's going to have the rest, then?" "Well, the house was leased, and there weren't many things left, for it's a long time since your father died, remember.

And I think the one beatific visage it has been my good luck to behold belonged to Fat Joe, one night when the rest of the table had raised his very feet out from under him. He sat and beamed; he radiated good cheer now and then he chuckled with positively insulting self-confidence, while he was pushing forward all the chips he owned . . . and he had two deuces and four spades to back it up!

"Hear! Hold on! Quit shovin' me!" cried Washington White. "Stop, Massa Jack!" "I'm not pushing you," replied the boy, who, with the others, was being moved forward against his will. "I can't seem to stop!" Nor could the rest of them.

The professor was lingering in the background. "Come here, Morris! You certainly fall under the head of "'old men," he said, taking the professor by the elbow and gently pushing him forward. "No, young Ishmael, no! I cannot go!

But, as pushing one's self into society was quite as much practised then as now, and as Mrs. Topman was a pushing, vigorous woman, she resolved that if she could not carry the outworks and compel a surrender on the part of first-rate society, she would at least have a circle of her own.

The Prussians were at least twelve hours in advance of us, so that we really had not much to fear; but still some doubt was entertained as to whether the enemy would make another stand in their own territory, and in all probability such would have been the case if Blucher had not been pushing so close on their heels.

"You're very good to me, but sometimes I think well, what I thrashed Dud Fielding for telling me: that I've no right to be pushing into a grand school like this. I ought to keep my place." "And where is your place?" was the calm question. "Sure, sure " Dan hesitated as he recalled a very checkered childhood. "Now that Aunt Winnie is all broke up, I can't say, Father."

A few minutes sufficed to get the canoe ready and roll up their blankets, during the performance of which operations they each ate several substantial mouthfuls of pemmican. Looking carefully round before pushing off the canoe to see that nothing was forgotten, Ian observed some chips of wood on the beach close at hand. "See, Vic!" he said eagerly; "some one has been here perhaps the Indian."

His rashness proved his ruin, and the temporary prostration of the cause of freedom. Pushing rapidly forward across the French frontier, he arrived, towards the middle of July, within two leagues of Mons. The Spaniards were aware of his approach, and well prepared to frustrate his project.