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The Purple's back-field had played well; Paul had been in his best form, Gillam had gained ground quite often through Yale's wings, and Mason, at full-back, had fought nobly. The ends had proved themselves quick and speedy in getting down under punts, and several of the Blue's tries around end had been nipped ingloriously in the bud.

Scarcely had it been put in order, when Peter was asked to dine at his clergyman's, and the next day came another invitation, to dine with Justice Gallagher. Peter began to wonder if he had decided wisely in vamping the old suit. He had one of the pleasantest evenings of his life at Dr. Purple's.

"Well, I'm not a girl, you see; besides, without a sewing machine you and I could never manufacture an entire costume. I meant to give it to you; in fact, I had it tied up in that bundle once, then I changed my mind woman's prerogative and here it is." "Thank you, but I shouldn't care for it anyhow, purple's not my colour; it looks awful with my kind of hair."

Not equal beauties gild the lucid west, With parting beams all o'er profusely drest; Not lovelier colors paint the vernal dawn, When orient dews impearl the enamelled lawn, Than from his sides in bright suffusion flow, That now with gold empyreal seem to glow; Now in pellucid sapphires meet the view, And emulate the soft, celestial hue; Now beam a flaming crimson in the eye, And now assume the purple's deeper dye."

On the Purple's forty yards Harvard fumbled, not for the first time that day, and Neil, more by accident than design, got the pigskin on the bounce, and, skirting the opposing right end, went up the field for a touch down without ever being in danger. The Erskine supporters went mad with delight, and the Harvard stand was ruefully silent.

"I never should have dreamed it." "Still," said the heir, "he keeps his eloquence for cows, and not for dinners." "He talked very well at Dr. Purple's," said the mamma, whose opinion of Peter had undergone a change. "And he was invited to call by Mrs. Dupont and Mrs. Sizer, which is more than you've ever been," said Avery senior to Avery junior.

Not equal beauties gild the lucid west With parting beams o'er all profusely drest, Not lovelier colors paint the vernal dawn, When Orient dews impearl th' enamelled lawn, Than in its waves in bright suffusion flow, That now with gold empyreal seem to glow; Now in pellucid sapphires meet the view, And emulate the soft celestial hue; Now beams a flaming crimson on the eye, And now assume the purple's deeper dye.

Nurse in the flush of grateful emotion, excited by Robert's border of poppies, had presented each of the four with a shilling paint-box, and had supplemented the gift with a pile of old copies of the Illustrated London News. 'Sepia, said Cyril instructively, 'is made out of beastly cuttlefish. 'Purple's made out of a fish, as well as out of red and blue, said Robert.

And now Robinson took up her march steadily toward the Purple's goal. The backs plowed through for short distances; Gillam and Paul bore the brunt of the terrific assaults heroically; the Erskine line fell back foot by foot, yard by yard; and presently Robinson crossed the fifty-five-yard line and emerged into Erskine territory. Here there was a momentary pause in her conquering invasion.

"But you mustn't want to reach him. He's really a well-meaning man, and if you ask your clergyman for I believe you go to Dr. Purple's church? you'll find he's very charitable and generous with his money." Peter smiled curiously. "Distributing money made that way is not much of a charity." "He didn't know," said the lawyer.