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She had expected him to have the common politeness to dress for her benefit, and she was not pleased to find that the punctiliousness he displayed in the matter on occasion was merely veneer. It was a defect of breeding that struck her unpleasantly.

The honor of chivalry was not moral principle or love of justice and right; it was mere punctiliousness in respect to certain conventional forms. Immediately on the death of the king, orders were sent to all the ports in the southern part of England forbidding any ship or boat of any kind from going to sea.

It is notable that George Washington was one of the least tolerant employers and masters who put themselves upon record. This was doubtless due to his own punctiliousness and thorough devotion to system as well as to his often baffled wish to diversify his crops and upbuild his fields.

Frank looked at Gertie, who had stopped like a patient donkey, and, like a prudent one, had let her bundle instantly down beside the Major's. "Like one, too?" he said. She shook her head. "Not for me." ... And no more. In a couple of minutes the Major was out again. "Only had one packet left," he said, and with an air of extreme punctiliousness and magnanimity replaced one penny in Frank's hand.

Here the proud monarch of the Wampanoags established his encampment, and, with native-taught punctiliousness, sent a message to the English governor, informing him of his arrival at that spot, and requiring him to come and treat with him there.

Yet through and in spite of all this she maintained, even to the extreme of punctiliousness, the air of being a visitor at Blent.

The maid Smither, who had been in her service since girlhood, and was spoken of as "Smither a good girl but so slow!" the maid Smither performed every morning with extreme punctiliousness the crowning ceremony of that ancient toilet.

However we may breathe a freer air of worship, we cannot but sympathise with that earnest attempt to do everything 'according to the order of David king of Israel. Not only punctiliousness as to ritual, but the magnetism of glorious memories, prescribed the reproduction of that past.

The old-maidish head clerk treated me with distant punctiliousness and, as it were, gathered his skirts round him for fear of contamination.

And since at Tattersalls and the Stock Exchange, where men are engaged in perpetual motion, an almost absurd punctiliousness is required in the payment of those sums which have for the moment inadvertently been lost, seventeen hundred and ninety-five of this must infallibly be raised by Monday next.