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Experts in aëronautics attribute the disasters befalling the long series of Zeppelins, the giant German dirigibles, to this cause. "Tom, we must go down. Drop at once," he said. "That old fellow succeeded in blowing a hole in us all right." The pumps were set to work and the Wondership fell rapidly.

It was imagined at first that the ship had gone ashore; but, on trying her pumps, it appeared that she had made no water. We soon discovered that our misfortune was occasioned by what are termed, in those seas, white squalls. These come on without any previous indication; and, though of short duration, are so destructive while they last, that no ship under heavy sail can stand against them.

The word was given to man the chain pumps, and the bilge pumps were also set in motion, while a double line of men were formed with all the buckets which could be found on board, from the main-deck to the hold, to bale out the water, one line passing down the empty buckets and the other handing up the full ones, almost as quickly as a chain pump could have done it.

"No, Mademoiselle; I did not know you had fallen into the water until I brought you ashore in the morning." "Then how did you get off?" "Well, it was rather queer. The men were all tired out working at the pumps, and Monsieur Chatelard ordered a seaman named Bazinet and me to relieve two of them. He said he would call us when the boats were lowered, as the yacht was then getting pretty shaky.

"What's the Geiger count on the radiation?" asked Strong. "Up to twelve thirty-two about ten minutes ago," answered James. "I pulled everybody out of the power deck and cut all energy circuits, including the energizing pumps. We didn't have any power so I had to use the combined juice of the three jet boats to send out the emergency signal that you picked up."

As for the poor Althea, she certainly did not labour quite so heavily now that she was relieved of the weight of her guns, but the water in the hold still gained steadily upon the pumps, and the more experienced hands among us were beginning to hint at the possibility of our being compelled to leave her and take to the boats.

Where the water can be supplied by gravitation, and the tanks can be placed at a sufficient elevation to command the service cistern, no pumps are required, the softening process, in fact, in no way necessitating pumping. The space occupied by the whole of the tanks and apparatus is 60 ft. square, 3,600 ft. area, and softens 50,000 gallons per day.

But, six o'clock in the evening finds the worthy little gentleman getting better, and also getting himself into his obsolete little silk stockings and pumps, for the wondering dinner at the Veneerings. And seven o'clock in the evening finds him trotting out into Duke Street, to trot to the corner and save a sixpence in coach-hire.

As he approached, close-hauled on the wind, he saw her decks crowded by an unusually large crew, and on sailing in closer, made out among others the faces of his missing comrades. And he was just in the nick of time, for they were fighting a losing fight at the pumps. An hour later they, with the crew of the sinking craft were aboard the Sophie Sutherland.

He'd have just come here civil like and said, `Look here, strangers, we have sprung a leak, and we are going down. Come and lend us a hand at the pumps." "Ah, yes, of course," said the Count warmly. "It is what I should have done." "And you would like me to come aboard and see if there's anything we can do?" "Yes, yes!" cried the Count eagerly.