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"And there's that case of Pulter's book found out near Yale Field," went on Andy. "I suppose Mortimer had that, too." "Very likely, though it seems queer that he'd stoop so low as to take books." "He could pawn 'em, I suppose, same as he did the other things he took," Andy continued. "The way he used to borrow money from me and some of the other fellows was a caution!" exclaimed Dunk.

It hasn't got Pulter's name in it, though." "No," went on Andy. "His name was on the other front leaf. That was worse blotted with the ink than this one, and he tore it out. But I'm sure that's Pulter's book." "Very likely," admitted Mortimer, coolly. "I'll take it to him. I'm glad I found it. Going my way?" "Yes," and Andy walked beside the lad from his home town, thinking of many things.

"Why, that's Pulter's book!" he exclaimed, speaking aloud involuntarily. "Where did you get it?" Mortimer turned quickly and faced Andy. "What's that?" he asked, sharply. "I say that's Pulter's book," Andy went on. "How do you know?" asked Mortimer. "Why, by that big ink blot. I made it. Pulter was in our room with the book just before it was stolen, and my fountain pen leaked on it.

That sure is Pulter's book. Where did you get it? That's the one he made such a fuss about!" "Pulter's book, eh?" murmured Mortimer, slowly, as he turned it about, looking on the front and back blank pages. "It sure is," went on Andy, eagerly. "I'd know that ink blot anywhere. Pulter let out a howl like an Indian when my pen leaked on his book.

Never before had they taken part in such a grim tragedy never again did they want to. "You you admit all the quadrangle thefts?" faltered Andy. "Every one," was the low answer. "I took Carr's book and silver cup I hid them in the closet that day you fellows caught me. I took Pulter's book, too. I was desperate I'd take anything. I just had to have the money.

Mortimer went into Wright Hall, but Pulter was not in. "I'll leave the book for him," Mortimer said to Andy, "and you can call his attention to it. If it isn't his let me know, and I'll post a notice saying that I've found it." "All right," agreed our hero. "But I know it's Pulter's."