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He felt in himself a stronger and fuller manhood, as if the great arteries of the vast universal world-life pulsed in his own being.

Elderly folk, sitting in deep porch chairs, watched through the long windows the gayly-moving dancers in the ballroom. Out through wide-open doors and windows pulsed the rhythmic music. Above hung the great white stars in the blue-black Southern skies. The bay stretched glimmering and phosphorescent away from the palm-girt hotel gardens.

All within it were the myriads of tiny crystalline points that we had grown to know were the receptors of some strange sense of sight. But they did not sparkle as did those others; they were dull, lifeless. I touched the surface. It was smooth, cool with none of that subtle, warm vitality that pulsed through all the Things with which I had come in contact.

He could not have held their attention. They especially liked the huge, ridiculous words he used, because such words concealed great mysteries that pulsed with wonder and exquisitely wound them up. Daddy made things too clear. The bones of impossibility were visible. They saw thin nakedness behind the explanations, till the sense of wonder faded.

Reverently he thanked God for each increment of might that pulsed through him, as he struck a match and lighted his lamp, so automatically the commonplace actions of life are performed while the spirit surges within. Reverently he thanked God for the love that filled him, and for the hope of return that had come to him.

"You are rather abrupt, aren't you?" said Judith coolly. "Am I?" he asked gravely. "I don't know. It seems to me that I have been loitering, just loitering while " He didn't attempt to finish. He held Judith in his arms while for him the room was emptied of its gay throng, the music no longer pulsed; its beat was in the rhythm of their bodies, swaying as one.

She had hurt him, she had disappointed him; she did not know how she would ever look him in the eyes again. Her sleep throughout that last night was broken and unrefreshing, and ever the haunting strains of Simple Aveu pulsed through her brain like a low voice calling her perpetually, refusing to be stilled.

Her brown eyes burned with glorious luminosity. Her color pulsed with health and the joyance of existence. Her red lips quivered with unuttered ecstacies that surged in the depths of her nature. Even the bright brown strands of her hair, escaping the prison of her cap, were catching the sunlight and flinging it off in the most engaging animation.

Many chapters were read and re-read many passages written and re-written for Mary's hearing and criticism, and it may at once be said that what had at first been merely clever, brilliant, and intellectual writing, was now becoming not so much a book as an artistic creation, through which the blood and colour of human life pulsed and flowed, giving it force and vitality.

Like a mountain sheep on some familiar trail Rimrock bounded on until his breath came in whistling gasps; but, while the blood pounded against his brainpan and his muscles quivered and twitched, the strength of ten men pulsed through his iron limbs, and he kept his face to the heights. He was all of a tremble when, in the notch of the trail, he was challenged by a ringing: "Halt!"