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It wasn't wet a bit in that hot old storm we had, either," continued Bluff again, as be contemplated his quarry, and then puffed out with honest pride. "Say, was it you shooting a little while back?" asked Will, just then; "because we heard a lot of shots somewhere around." "Why, yes, I got Uncle Toby to stand behind a tree, and throw up the wash basin half a dozen times while I banged away."

'To please me, urged M. Vandeloup, persuasively; whereupon Meddlechip took one, and having lighted it puffed away evidently under protest, while the billow opened the new bottle of wine, freshened up the glasses, and then rolled majestically out of the door, like a tidal wave. 'Now then for the story, said M. Vandeloup, leaning back luxuriously on the sofa, and blowing a cloud of smoke.

The leader, his eyes bloodshot and the lower lids puffed and discolored, threw his hat to the ceiling and caught it on his boot. "Maître ho!" he cried. "Bring us the bowl, the merry bowl, the jolly and hot bowl. The devil himself must hunt for cheer to-night. How it blows!" "In the private assembly, Messieurs," said the host caressingly; "in the private assembly. All is ready but the hot water."

And then he puffed away at his short clay, and kept on chuckling until he felt quite sick with misery. "He's the right sort, so he is," said Bill, "and no two ways abaat it." "Right yer are," said Jemmy. "'E's the sort o' pal for me, and no error."

Among Claire's favourite books was Professor Drummond's "The Greatest Thing in the World," with its wonderful exposition of the thirteenth chapter of 1st Corinthians. When she read its pages, her thoughts flew instinctively to this rich woman of society, who was not puffed up, thought no evil, was not easily provoked, suffered long, and was kind.

He cleared his throat morosely, rubbed his left hand against his right, looked sullenly at Katya and asked: "Have you read Mayne Reid?" "No, I haven't. . . . I say, can you skate?" Absorbed in his own reflections, Lentilov made no reply to this question; he simply puffed out his cheeks, and gave a long sigh as though he were very hot.

"So that he may make restitution," urged Miss Penny. "Yes, that's what he says," said Charles, in a tone that showed no slightest tincture of conviction. "What would you do," he asked, looking up at Graeme, "if you were in my place?" Graeme filled his pipe thoughtfully. "Let us look at it quietly all round," he said, and lit up and puffed away contemplatively.

The nuns talk always of religion, and I am young, and I am half French. We die young, most of us, and I have had no pleasure." I saw her black eyes, as she puffed her cigarette, shining with her vision. Some man would put tears in them soon, I thought, if she chose that path. Would she be happy in Tahiti?

The Great War Chief first lighted the peace pipe, puffed for a minute, then blew off the four smokes to the four winds and handed it to the Second and Third War Chiefs, who did the same.

Short merely puffed at his pipe complacently. For the first time since his arrival Kosinski spoke. I had almost forgotten his presence; he was working quietly, getting things ready, and now he stepped forward. "The comrade is right," he said; "he does not want to work; leave him alone; we can do very well without him. Let us get off at once. There is enough ready to make a first load, anyhow."