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Canby glanced involuntarily at the blue-covered manuscript he had placed upon a table beside him. It had a guilty look. "I get confused," he said. "If the public's so flighty, why does it take so much stock in what these wolves print about a play?" "Print. That's it," old Tinker answered serenely. "Write your opinion in a letter or say it with your mouth, and it doesn't amount to anything.

They are put up to show the public that that is where a political prescription for the body politic may be compounded. The public is responsible for the bills, and the public expects to use what little light can be extracted from them." "Then all this generosity on the public's part is " "Merely that of the Indian who gives and takes back," said Thaddeus.

Then he produced a cigarette, lighted it, and joined the other two men in their amused survey of the public's performances. During the four minutes that ensued Darrow examined the reporter speculatively. Finally his eye lighted up with recollection. The spell lifted. The city broke into a roar. People sprang into rapid and violent motion, as though released from a physical lethargy.

Strange to say, Padre Antonio did not share the public's sentiment, or rather that of his own particular flock, concerning Chiquita's latest escapade.

As long as the public's morbid curiosity clamoured for details of the case, the newspapers provided them lavishly. This curiosity was intensified by two things: first, the search for a murderer after so much almost convincing evidence had been found against the negro, and, second, the duel between Bristow, the amateur, and Braceway, the professional, each bent on making his theory "stand up."

"The General has always taken the keenest interest in all questions bearing upon The Army's financial affairs, and has ever been alive to the necessity for their being so administered as to ensure the contributing public's having the utmost possible value for the money contributed, at the same time rendering a careful account from year to year of his stewardship.

My investments, therefore, always have prospered, because they were not based on guess or chance, as nine-tenths of all the public's business ventures are. In the same way, I had gone deliberately about the matter of winning the regard of the only woman I ever saw who seemed to me much worth while.

The distinguished mouthpiece of the superior classes dealt with A Question of Cubits at the foot of a column, in a brief paragraph headed 'Our Worst Fears realized. The paragraph, which was nothing but a summary of the plot, concluded in these terms: 'So he expired, every inch of him, in the snow, a victim to the British Public's rapacious appetite for the sentimental.

In wise hands, the patient's and the public's ignorance being maintained, Ambrotox" and here he bestowed a little laugh on amateur nomenclature "Ambrotox will be a blessing almost as notable as was chloroform in the fifties.

It was committed on behalf of a great railroad corporation, which, like other railroad corporations, has received gratuitously from the State large and valuable privileges for the public's convenience and its own, which performs quasi public functions and which is charged with the highest obligation in the transaction of its business to treat the citizens of this country alike, and not to carry on its business with unjust discriminations between different citizens or different classes of citizens.