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As we look back over the facts that have been cited, and as we contemplate the large departments of knowledge about human psychology, mental development, and racial culture which these few details illustrate, we come to realize how securely founded is the doctrine that even the human mind with all its varied powers has grown to be what it is.

It must be cultivated: our generation must be educated to a sense of its value. As far as the child is concerned, the need is plain. Children do not merely have veins of cruelty; they have, as comparative psychology knows, the blood and impulses of primitive man.

I found a striking contrast between the psychology of Washington and that of Baltimore. The national capital, abandoned by its government, awaited in dull despair the arrival of the conquerors with no thought of resistance, but Baltimore was girding up her loins to fight. Washington, burned by the British in 1812, had learned her lesson, but Baltimore had never known the ravages of an invader.

A brief excursion into that much abused subject, the psychology of perception, may here serve to remind us of the great work which the budding intellect must long ago have accomplished unawares. Consider how the shocks out of which the notion of material things is to be built first strike home into the soul.

For the table is not infrequently wiser than anybody in the room; also it knows the past and is ready to predict the future. The whole thing is really an excellent object-lesson in Psychology. For the solution is obvious. The table being unconscious, you answer yourself you not only produce the raps and movements, but you regulate them.

The physical order of nature the inorganic world where mechanism reigns supreme. There is the vital order of nature the world of organisms where mechanism proves insufficient. There is the physical order of nature the world of mind where mechanism is irrelevant. Thus there are three fundamental sciences Physics, Biology, and Psychology each with characteristic questions, categories and formulæ.

Psychology must perform for American life something very much like a psycho-analysis; we should expect to see as a result of the war a greatly increased interest, on the part of the American people, in themselves; self-understanding and self-interpretation, we should suppose, would be advanced; all the sciences of human nature we should think would be called upon to help us to make a new American history and to formulate the purposes of our national life.

These ideas, in evident disagreement with the inductions of biology and of criminal psychology and sociology as I have elsewhere demonstrated nevertheless did not prevent harmony among the positivists of the new school. In fact, these personal and antiquated conceptions of M. Garofalo passed almost unnoticed.

Psychology has formulated plenty of such general statements, and they serve well for a first orientation. Yet can this ever be considered as a last word of scientific explanation of psychical facts? Can psychology really in this way reach an ideal similar to that of scientific astronomy or chemistry?

He must find a more powerful remedy in good flesh and blood, and after this discomfiture, set forth again at once upon his voyage of discovery in quest of love. It is perhaps one of the most touching things in human nature, as it is a commonplace of psychology, that when a man has just lost hope or confidence in one love, he is then most eager to find and lean upon another.