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But it is an absurdity to ask one's self if, beyond the pain of which one is conscious, there be not another pain different from that one." Let us excuse in psychologists this petty and common whim for exaggerating the merit of the science they pursue.

Our social conscience must be wide awake; it will not be a blind fate which will decide when the door of the future opens whether we shall meet the lady or the tiger. The scientific psychologists started on a new road yesterday. For a long time their chief interest was to study the laws of the mind.

Whether the psychologists admitted it or not, mattered little to the student who, by the law of his profession, was engaged in studying his own mind. On him, the effect was surprising. He woke up with a shudder as though he had himself fallen off his bicycle.

In other words, children are born with tendencies to attend to an enormous number of situations because of the number of instinctive responses they possess. So great is this number that psychologists used to talk about the omnivorousness of children's attention, believing that they attended to everything. Such a general attention seems not to be true.

If the natural method of expression be denied to it, it will still seek out ways in which to express itself. If it has been merely repressed unwillingly and incompletely the results, as the psychologists are telling us, are apt to be disastrous.

It is the opinion of a number of psychologists that it is inherited as what the Mendelians call a recessive, that is as a trait which will be overshadowed, if there is admixture of normal mentality, but will crop up by breeding with another mental defective.

"No," he said, "the things weren't going to happen. But I decided to go abroad." I was "curiouser and curiouser," as Lorraine says. "But," I insisted, "what had Charles Edward to do with it?" There were a great many pauses that night as if, I think, he didn't know what was wise to say. I should imagine it would always be so with psychologists.

Willoughby, I may say that in testing, say, the memory, we psychologists have recently developed two tests, the event test, where something is made to happen before a person's eyes and later he is asked to describe it, and the picture test, where a picture is shown for a certain length of time, after which the patient is also asked to describe what was in the picture.

Memory something other than merely a function of the brain. The "Box" theory Memory records everything Dreams The well-balanced mind Memory a manifestation of spirit. The importance of Memory is recognized by all persons whether psychologists or not.

No, indeed, slander and libelous talk are not necessary ingredients of gossip. People who take malicious pleasure in using speech for malign purposes suffer from a mental disorder which does not come under the scope of conversation. Regarding the mental deficiencies of those who love to wallow in the mire of salacious news about others, the psychologists have come to some interesting conclusions.