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Henley had soon dug away a great segment of decayed wood, exposing the bolt clearly to view. Then taking the hinge which he had brought with him, and slipping the small end between the bolt and the frame of the door, he used it as a lever to pry against the bolt within.

Thou, God, art merciful, hear my prayers and enable me to trust in Thee. "We were married almost seventeen years, and have now been parted thirty." It seems half profane, even at this distance of time, to pry into grief so deep and so lasting. Johnson turned for relief to that which all sufferers know to be the only remedy for sorrow hard labour.

He is so clever about me. Like you." "Humph. If he guesses you're a woman, it's all he does. And, damme, I suppose it's enough. So your curious sex bade you go and pry. Well, and what did you see in Mr. Harry Boyce?" "I suppose you are scolding me," said Susan placidly. "With all my heart." "Oh. Why do you ride that horse?" "Damme, miss, don't wriggle. You had no business at Highgate!"

I wonder you don't pry into the cooky jar." "I will, now you mention it," said Raven, bending to it where it lurked, with its secretive look, under the lower shelf. He lifted the cover with an involuntary care.

I did not understand all she saidshe spoke in her native language, and I was some way apart; she appeared to endeavour to console her husband, but he seemed to refuse all comfort, and, with many groans, repeated‘Pechod Ysprydd Glan—O pechod Ysprydd Glan!’ I felt I had no right to pry into their afflictions, and retired. Now ‘pechod Ysprydd Glan,’ interpreted, is the sin against the Holy Ghost.

As to the ineffable Trinity subsisting in this Unity, a mystery discovered only by the Sacred Scriptures, especially in the New Testament, where it is more clearly revealed than in the Old, let others boldly pry into it, if they please, while we receive it with our humble faith, and think it sufficient for us to admire and adore. Ib. Lect. XXIV. p. 245.

Even alchemy and astrology were not believed because people thirsted for gold and were anxious to pry into the future, for these desires are as strong now as they were then: but because alchemy and astrology were conceptions natural to a particular stage in the growth of human knowledge, and consequently determined during that stage the particular means whereby the passions which always exist, sought their gratification.

If you don't turn the muzzle down I shall be compelled in self-defence to strike you over the wrist with my stick." "What the deuce brought you here, then?" he asked, in a more composed voice, putting his weapon back into his bosom. "Can't a gentleman live quietly without your coming to peep and pry? Have you no business of your own to look after, eh?

"Who on earth can she be, Burton? It does worry me can't you possibly find out? I would so like to help them." "I feel that, Sir but here's the way I figure it When gentry lives in foreign towns and don't seem anxious for you to know their address it don't seem right like to pry into it."

Buckstone said that he was not able to conceive what so curious a phrase as Blank-Blank might mean, and had no wish to pry into the matter, since it was probably private, he "would nevertheless venture the blind assertion that nothing would answer in this particular case and during this particular session but to be exceedingly wary and keep clear away from Mr.