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Conversation with him was not merely instructive, but provocative to the dormant intelligence. When to this we add a strenuous character, earnest convictions, and single-minded devotion to truth, with an utter disdain of mere paradox it may be conceived that such a man exercised powerful intellectual ascendancy over younger minds.

None the less, the station agent's broken ejaculations were provocative of keen interest in a man who had been boring himself desperately for the better part of a day. "Caught him doing it, you say?... Great Scott!... Oh, I don't believe that, you know ... yes uh-huh I hear ... But who did the shooting?"

He wished to see with his own eyes some of those pictures Claribel Spring had described to him, among them Fortuny's "Spanish Lady." He stood for a dazzled interval before her, so disdainful, passionate, provocative, and so profoundly human. When he moved away, he sighed.

And at last I was well instructed by it, as all may be who approach it thus, above a trivial lust for winning. Two of us played in that provocative June. One was myself, alert for auspicious falls of the cards, yet stoical and undepressed when a deal promising to be almost too easy for interest was suddenly blocked by some trifling card.

A new dispute, especially provocative to the feelings of Americans, had arisen over the question of the impressment of seamen. The press-gang was active in England at the time, and pursued its victims on the high seas. It even claimed the right to search the ships of neutrals for fugitives.

There was nothing to reflect the light in the dark walls of the large square hall, and it always was shadowy, and provocative to lovers at any time. When he entered it, he looked at her for a moment without speaking, and did not approach her. "You might be the ghost of another Betty Madison in that white gown," he said.

Marcian betook himself to his utmost dissimulation, and the talk of the next few minutes on his part, deliberately provocative; on hers, recklessly vehement instructed him in much that he had desired to learn.

You are therefore a married man, and likely to continue a married man. I cannot possibly allow you to hold my hand." His head swam for a moment. She was very alluring with her pale face set in its clouds of golden hair, her faintly wrinkled forehead, her bewitchingly regretful smile regretful, yet in a sense provocative. "I am in love with you," he declared. "Naturally," she replied.

Not even the well-mated were secure in the general decline of use and wont. A home wrecked by vague desires running wild that is the theme of "Cytherea." Or take a third view of this provocative book. The triangle we have had tiresomely with us, but it is woman's love that is, perversely, always the hero.

There was still something of the old diffidence in her manner, but the effect of her motherhood was discernible. Adela was childless a circumstance in itself provocative of a gentle sense of protection in Letty's heart. 'You'll let us see you every day, darling? 'As often as I can, Letty. Don't let mother get low-spirited. There's nothing to grieve about.