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But this is never found to be the case, for instincts vary when there arises a sufficient motive for varying them. This proves that special exterior circumstances enter into the matter, and that these circumstances are the very things that render the attainment of the purpose possible through means selected by the instinct.

But I ain't questionin' his shootin'. I've been in this country a right smart while an' I ain't never seen another man that could bore a can six times while it's in the air." Leviatt's lips drooped. "He could do that an' not have nerve enough to shoot a coyote. Him not clashin' with Ben Radford proves he ain't got nerve." Stafford smiled.

You can't hurt a ghost by shooting him, because there ain't nothing to hurt, an' I must say I like bein' a mere vision what everybody can see through." "All of which interesting tale proves what?" queried Abeuchapeta. "That piracy on the sea is not profitable in these days of the check banking system," said Kidd.

Then there are the two lines; and things that are equal or similarly related to the same thing, are related to one another. He can make the mark that proves and joins, any time. Did you know there was Bible in geometry, Sylvie? I very often go to my old school Euclid for a heavenly comfort."

He who proves most worthy I shall marry; it is not riches that make a good husband; it is not beauty that makes a good father for one's children. Let me and my tribe see some proof of the excellence of these two men then, only, shall I choose who is to be the father of my children. Let us have a trial of their skill; let them show me how evil or how beautiful is the inside of their hearts.

We read also in Acts 1:14 that after the ascension when the disciples gathered in the upper room, "There all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary, the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren," which scripture proves that there were women present at the Pentecostal baptism.

Halsey, now that the strain of the game was off, was rattling along about his losses in an undertone to her. "But what of it?" he concluded. "Any day luck may change. As for myself, I go always on the assumption that I am the one exception unlucky both at cards and love. If the event proves I am right, I am not disappointed. If I am wrong, then I am happy."

The farm gardens alone seemed to rejoice in the suddenness of the shower. Flowers have a way of shining, when it rains, that proves flower-petals have a woman's love of solitaires. There were other dashes of color that made the gray landscape astonishingly brilliant. Some of the peasants on their way to the village fetes were also caught in the passing shower.

"When you are calmer, madam, I will repeat it, for no truth can be more fixed, but now it would only exasperate you." "Go on go on, let me hear it again. It proves the Farnham blood in your veins, always sighing and grovelling after low objects.

The fact that this small force, technically, if not actually, in march, in a perfectly open field, with this enormously superior force leaping upon them from the cover of dense woods, was able to hold its ground and drive its assailants, pell-mell, back to the cover of the woods again, proves that when a great battle is in progress, or a great emergency occurs, no officer can tell what the result may be when he throws in his forces, be they 5,000 or 20,000 men; and it seems to me to be impossible to draw the line that gives the right to a subordinate officer to use his own judgment in engaging an enemy when a great battle is within his hearing.