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This is not, ye Covenants and Protestations that we have made! this is not to put down prelaty; this is but to chop an episcopacy; this is but to translate the Palace Metropolitan from one kind of dominion into another; this is but an old canonical sleight of commuting our penance.

What can solemn protestations do against armed ruffians, backed by hireling judges, who, like Impaccianti and Belli, have been taken from the bagnio and the galleys, thrust into orders, and elevated to the bench, to do the work of their patrons? Such must show that they deserve promotion.

Presently Wilhelmine asked: "But what brought you in this direction?" "Oh, I was going ... to pay a visit ... it is a piece of very good luck my coming across you like this." De Loubersac seemed to have something on his mind. Despite his protestations he did not look as if he were enjoying this chance meeting. "Where were you bound for, Wilhelmine?" he asked.

Stepping across her mangled body, the brigands sprang upon her daughter, loudly demanding the property which they believed to be concealed. They likewise insisted on being informed where the master of the house had taken refuge. Protestations of ignorance as to hidden treasure, or the whereabouts of her husband, who, for aught she knew, was lying dead in the streets, were of no avail.

He hath sent half a dozen to him already; and, since he knows that the Duke is aware of what you have done in France, he thinks that your word may tip the balance. For the Duke, I think, is in two minds, beneath all his protestations."

One can only hope that the "ultras" will pitch their tone too high, and that their efforts to revive the old perverse antipathies will fail, so that Irish Unionists will realise, as some of them are doing already, that patriotism, like charity, begins at home, and that they cannot compound for distrust of their own countrymen by loud-voiced protestations of loyalty to the blessings of British rule.

In Ireland itself, every man who reflected for a moment saw at the Curragh the very embodiment of that force which had maintained for over a hundred years a Government which had not the consent of the governed; and unless he was one of those who regarded themselves as "England's faithful garrison in Ireland," protestations of enthusiasm for the armed forces of the Crown could not be the natural expression of his feelings.

They promised never to do anything unkind or selfish again, and each assured Hans that he had always liked him far more than he had liked the other brother. Their protestations of affection rather disgusted Hans, only, as he was a good-hearted boy himself, he could not help being moved by them.

Will your mind have changed in those days, Anthony Dalaber? Do you indeed mean the things that you have said?" "I do," he answered quietly, and added no protestations. "I will remember," spoke the cardinal; and rising to his feet he gave to Arthur the benediction for which he bent his knee. Dalaber hesitated for a moment, and then he too knelt. There was no hypocrisy in this act.

Starved as I was for the affection of a man, I may have been blind to the sincerity of his protestations. But I believed him. "As to how I felt toward him: I don't know. I liked him admired him. I believe that I loved him. But again we are faced with the abnormal condition in which I found myself. I believe I loved him as I believe he loved me.