United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I see your difficulty plainly enough, and I think you're quite right in proposing to hold up, for that's what you mean, I take it?" "Yes," said Dunham, "it is. And I don't know how she will like it. She will be puzzled and grieved by it. I hadn't thought seriously about the matter till this morning, when she didn't come to breakfast.

Stubbs more complaisant than he had been in the diligence, she concluded by proposing that he should accompany the Colonel and herself to a soirée-dansante that evening at a friend of hers, another Countess, in the "Rue des Bons-Enfants." Being disengaged as usual, he at once assented, on condition that the Countess would effect a reconciliation between Mr.

Cesare Orsi stood in the doorway, smiling with oppressive good-nature. "Lavinia," he told her, "I've done something, and now I'm in the devil of a doubt." He advanced, holding a small package, and sat on the edge of a chair, mopping his brow. "You see," he began diffidently, "that is, as you must know, at first you were at the convent I thought something of proposing for your sister.

No secrets between us, my darling child." "Then I can tell you, that just before he proposed for Amelia, he was consulting with me about proposing for Mrs. Dutton." "Mrs. Dutton, the widow! Mrs. Dutton! How you astonish me!" said Mrs. "Why she is older than I am." "Older! yes, a great deal; but then you know my brother is no chicken himself."

"I have been on the point of proposing it many times myself." However, they seemed unable to pull themselves together; they did nothing that day. But the next morning, urged back to work by the harrying monotony of waiting, they began to clear a space among the trees close to the beach.

At present, largely because of the ill-considered tax reduction of the Both Congress, the Government is not receiving enough revenue to meet its necessary expenditures. To meet this situation, I am proposing that Federal expenditures be held to the lowest levels consistent with our international requirements and the essential needs of economic growth, and the well-being of our people.

'Dukes have married for less. Such an heiress, they said, might buy up a Principality. Victor had supplied them with something of an apology to the gentleman proposing to Nesta in their house.

Now, my son has fallen in love with Rosa and has asked my consent to his proposing marriage to her and to their becoming engaged if she will take him which I suppose she will. I have never seen Rosa until to-day, but I have some confidence in my son's good sense even in love. I find her what he represents her, to the best of my judgment; and my mother speaks of her with great commendation."

We had invited F. Bayham, Esquire, and promised ourselves a merry evening, and were unwilling to baulk ourselves of the pleasure on account of the absence of our young Roman. So we three went to London Bridge Station at an early hour, proposing to breathe the fresh air of Greenwich Park before dinner.

Adams received a letter from his friends in Pennsylvania, proposing a subscription for the purchase and setting up a German newspaper in support of the administration, and inquiring if he would permit his son, John Adams, to contribute to that object.