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He built a mosque, and openly performed the rites of the new religion. At this era a new phase appears in the Prophet's life and teachings. Thus far, until his flight, it would seem that he propagated his doctrines by moral force alone, and that these doctrines, in the main, were elevated. He had earnestly declared his great idea of the unity of God.

But the sultans who ruled the various states did not want to place all that they possessed in the balance on the chance of gaining the title of Khalif. The Moslim world became accustomed to the idea that the honoured House of the Prophet's uncle Abbas existed for the purpose of lending an additional glory to Mohammedan princes by a diploma.

The word of the Lord, which was laughed at when it clothed itself in a prophet's speech, will be heard in more formidable shape, when it is wrapped in the long-drawn-out miseries of years of bondage. The warning is as needful for us as for these drunken priests and scornful rulers.

The sultan is the Holy Prophet's vicegerent on earth and he, guided by the Prophet, invests virtue and wisdom with the kalaats of dignity, in the persons of his pachas." "Very true," said the pacha, "the sultan is guided by Allah, and," continued he in a low tone to Mustapha, "a few hundred purses to boot. Menouni, you may proceed."

The patient is asked if a boy or girl is desired. She confesses, and is then informed that the sex of her child will be the opposite of her wish. When this guess proves to be correct, there is no doubt of the prophet's wisdom; when it is not, his honor is protected, for the parents have had their hope fulfilled.

Not a single hope would die which points to a time when our cities will all be like those of the prophet's vision, "first pure and then peaceable."

The other one now approached, and, in a mild voice, said: "Daniel, the servant of the living God, is secure in the midst of all his foes. He that quenched the violence of the fire, shall tame the fury of the lions." "Heaven smile upon the daughter of Barzello!" was the prophet's answer.

'What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? MICAH vi. 8. This is the Prophet's answer to a question which he puts into the mouth of his hearers. They had the superstitious estimate of the worth of sacrifice, which conceives that the external offering is pleasing to God, and can satisfy for sin.

The victorious armies of the Crescent were by this time far advanced beyond the frontiers of Arabia, and with fanatic zeal endeavoring to obey the prophet's injunction to Islamize mankind. "Allah il Allah!" With cimeter and Koran in either hand they offered the conquered "Infidels" "Islam or the sword." The Oxus, which alone separated Saracen territory from that of Syria, was easily passed.

The position of the prophet naturally grew worse after this display of weakness, and the persecution of the townsmen more embittered; for two years Mahomet and his followers were rigorously cut off from intercourse with their fellow-citizens. On the other hand the prophet's tone became harder and more sombre as he saw that no turning back was possible.