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He said, that ignorance would be no plea towards justification, when we had opportunities of being better informed; and, that, if the minds of people had not been open to conviction, the Christian religion could not have been propagated in the world, and we should now be in a state of Pagan darkness and barbarity: he endeavoured to prove, by some texts of Scripture and many quotations from the Fathers, that the Pope was the successor of St.

Faraday figured their particles as polarized, and he concluded that the force of induction is propagated from particle to particle of the dielectric from the inner sphere to the outer one. This power of propagation possessed by insulators he called their 'Specific Inductive Capacity.

But that the English Tories should serve as echoes to them nay more, that my character should continue doubtful at best amongst you, when those who first propagated the slander are become ashamed of railing without proof, and have dropped the clamour, this I own that I never expected; and I may be allowed to say, that as it is an extreme surprise, so it shall be a lesson to me.

Is it necessary that figs should be grafted in some other roots to keep the gophers from destroying the trees? What root should I order? Figs are not grown on any other than fig roots and are generally propagated by rooted cuttings for the purpose of avoiding the expense of grafting.

Though the Bahama sponges are not equal to those obtained in the Mediterranean, still they are marketable, and Nassau exports half a million dollars' worth annually. It is a curious fact that sponges can be propagated by cuttings taken from living specimens, which, when attached to a piece of board and sunk in the sea, will increase and multiply.

It is of easy culture: the roots may be planted in any of the autumn or winter months. MALVA moschata. MUSK MALLOW. This makes a fine appearance when in bloom, for which purpose it is often propagated in gardens: its scent, which is strong of vegetable musk, is also very pleasant. MELLITIS mellyssophyllum. MELLITIS grandiflora.

By this plan every family that is burdened with a relation whose vices have ruined his fortune, or whose stupidity disqualifies him for employment, will have an opportunity of selling, for a commission, its interest at the approaching election; dependence will be propagated, and the troublesome spirit of liberty be depressed.

From such vestiges of derivative grandeur, propagated to ages so remote from itself, and sustained by manners so different from the spirit of her own, we may faintly measure the strength of the original impulse given to the feelings of men by the sacred majesty of the Roman throne.

It was in many respects a beautiful one, yet the disordered imaginations of both his father and mother had perhaps propagated a certain unhealthiness in the mind of the boy.

For I say nothing here of the natural force which all things propagated from the earth possess the earth which from that tiny grain in a fig, or the grape-stone in a grape, or the most minute seeds of the other cereals and plants, produces such huge trunks and boughs. Mallet-shoots, slips, cuttings, quicksets, layers are they not enough to fill anyone with delight and astonishment?