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'I'm going to kill you. After that I can't recall anything clearly; it was all as swift as a thunderbolt; when I ran over to them, the girl was gushing blood from her mouth; the proof-reader's wife was screaming and Leandro was chasing Lechuguino with his knife opened." "I saw him leave the house," added an old woman.

In fact, it had been some months since the young man had first entertained the suspicion that he could administer that thrashing to Mr. Pat whenever he felt inclined. Only it happened that he and Mr. Pat had become pretty good friends now, and it was the proof-reader's boast that he had never once made a bull in "Mr. Queed's copy" since the day of the famous fleas.

Manuel was about to leave after supper, when he heard Leandro call him several times. "What do you want?" "Come on, let's be going." Manuel ran out to the balcony; Milagros and her mother, from their door, were heaping insults upon Leandro. "Outcast! Blackguard!" the proof-reader's wife was shouting. "If her father were here you wouldn't talk like that."

In former years he had accompanied Milagros to the nocturnal fair of San Antonio and to those of the Prado; he had danced with her, treated her to buns, presented her with a pot of sweet basil; but this summer the proof-reader's family seemed very much determined upon keeping Milagros away from Leandro.

While Leandro would be away working in the shoeshop, Lechuguino would visit the proof-reader's family; he now saw Milagros with the full consent of her parents. Leandro was, or pretended to be, the only person unaware of Milagros' new beau.