United States or Austria ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The question was landing the dome, just a small spaceship body, but completely equipped to keep a man alive for two years, in case anything went wrong with plans to bring him back pronto. Bill Howard's voice was excited, and he ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back as he leaned across the desk, the map of Florida behind him.

Van said: "If you two old idiots don't do the lion and the lamb act pretty pronto I'll send you both to the poor house." They had entered the hay-yard, among the mules and horses. Gettysburg promptly reached down, laid hold of Napoleon, and kissed him violently upon the nose. Napoleon wept. Evening had come. The two fell asleep in Algy's tent, locked in each other's arms.

The De Profundis bell was sounding from the church tower as Felipe galloped through San Anselmo, the next village, but by the time he raised the lights of Arcata it was black night in very earnest. He set his teeth. Terra Bella lay eight miles farther ahead, and here from the town-hall clock that looked down upon the plaza he would be able to know the time. "Hoopa, Pepe; pronto!" he shouted.

If he cannot pay he should have told us so that we could work for the Company. The Company can pay!" "But Mr. Worth will pay to-morrow morning." A chorus of angry, jeering yells greeted this repeated promise, with cries of "Pronto!", "Esta dia!", and "No manana!" "Now!", "To- day!", and "Not to-morrow!" The movement toward the building began again.

Some o' the coroner's jury was for callin' you to testify at the inquest, but considerin' the hard looks o' the deceased an' what you told me an' what Borax O'Rourke told everybody else before he left town yesterday, I prevailed on Doc Taylor to testify that you weren't in no fit frame o' mind to face the music, so they concluded to bring in a verdict muy pronto, an' let it go at that.

Returning the Colt to her, he slowly dragged his glance from the ground and let it cross her face for a fleeting instant. She slipped the gun back into its holster. "And now suppose we go down the hill and get your hoss?" Evidently he was painfully eager to get the dead man out of sight. Yet he paused while he picked up her saddle. "They'll be along pretty pronto the sheriff and his men.

"He'll probably duck out of the country pronto," Tom surmised. "Anyhow, this won't stop us, Harlan." By nightfall the little fleet of three undersea craft was speeding southward at periscope depth. Tom alternated at the controls with Zimby, two hours on and two hours off. Sleep came in snatches, the crewmen flopping on their bunks as the chance offered.

"That country's goin' to blossom!" declared the Drifter. "An' the guy which gets in on the ground floor is goin' to make a clean-up! They's a range there the Double A which is right in the middle of things. A guy named Bransford owns her an' Bransford's on his last legs. He's due to pass out pronto, or I'm a gopher! He's got a daughter there Mary which is a pippin, an' no mistake!

His face was strongly handsome, crowned with a curly mop of yellow hair, while his thick, muscular neck hinted at bodily magnificence. Young Pronto went to one corner and then the other, shaking hands with the principals and dropping down out of the ring. The challenges went on.

Any instant and he might be off in a mad flight, dragging the man to his death. "Ho! Pronto Vien aqui!" Banion's command again quieted the animal. His ears forward, he came up, whickering his own query as to what really was asked of him. Banion caught the bridle rein once more and eased the rope. Jackson by now had his shotgun and was shouting, crazed with anger.