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"The incomes and personal efforts of those favorably situated," says Professor Patten, "can reduce the evils of poverty without the destruction of that upon which their wealth and the progress of society depend." The reform program begins with childhood and extends over every period of the worker's life.

There are many items in the Administration's program, of a kind frequently included in a State of the Union Message, with which I am not dealing today. They are important to us and to our prosperity. But I am reserving them for treatment in separate communications because of my purpose today of speaking only about matters bearing directly upon our security and peace.

If, however, such refusal should occur, please remember that he is a despot with absolute power, and that anyone obstructing the program by refusing to follow his suggestions will spend the rest of his time here in confinement and will go back to Tellus in irons, if at all.

This time Cleggett perceived that he had been retreating in accordance with a preconceived program. He was certain the man contemplated a trick, perhaps some foul stroke. He rushed forward with a terrible thrust.

It has developed in later years into a program not so much aiming to succor the unfortunate victims of circumstances, as to effect what we may term social sanitation. Primarily, it is a program of self-protection. Contemporary philanthropy, I believe, recognizes that extreme poverty and overcrowded slums are veritable breeding-grounds of epidemics, disease, delinquency and dependency.

It ain't necessary that you should know the names of the others, but I'm going to tell you one of them, Steve." "No, I don't want to know." "This is my say-so. His name is Alec Howard." "I'm sorry to hear that, Alec. I don't know why you have told me." "Because I want you to know the facts of that raid, Steve. No killing was on the program. That came about in a way none of us could foresee."

"I think Uncle Nicholas has done his duty by me," Elizabeth remarked demurely, "but I am glad he has got through. I came of age last Monday, the day I started for Colorado." "When did you decide to come?" "About five years ago. I always meant to start on the 7th of June of this year." "You make your plans a long way ahead. What is the next step on the program?" "I haven't the least idea."

I maintain that cynicism borders on chastity. Here is the program that I propose to you. My house will be full and uncomfortable for a month. You shall have "your little table and everything necessary for writing." Is it agreed? As for the fairy play, thanks for your kind offers of service.

This record has been made possible by the vigorous efforts of the agencies responsible for this program. But their efforts would have been fruitless if they had not had the solid support of the great masses of our people. The Congress is to be congratulated for its role in providing the legislation under which this work has been carried out.

After agreeing to attend the Conference, Japan endeavored to confine the program to as narrow limits as possible, and she soon entered into negotiations with China over the Shantung question with the hope of arriving at a settlement which would prevent that question from coming before the Conference.