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This symbol, though shameful and abominable, is yet looked upon in India with the profoundest veneration, and is not with them the occasion of shame or reproach.

The bees that filled the air about her with their busy hum never molested her, believing, no doubt, that she had as good a right as themselves to enjoy the sweets in her way. After all, it was Mrs. Clifford, perhaps, who obtained the profoundest enjoyment from the season.

Clement leaned forward till his eyes were on a level with those of the girl, and his voice was very calm and penetrating as he said: "What can I do for you, Miss Ross? I have the profoundest conviction that I can do you good." A startled look came into the big brown eyes. She looked at him as a babe might, striving to comprehend.

Neither eyes nor hands nor mouth have anything to do with the final massive and dark collision of the blood in the sex crisis, when the strange flash of electric transmutation passes through the blood of the man and the blood of the woman. They fall apart and sleep in their transmutation. But even in its profoundest, and most elemental movements, the soul is still individual.

One does not perhaps wholly realise, until one has read the muddied works of modern psychology, how sublime was the soul of Jesus. It might be possible to infer His divinity from the simplicity of the language and the white purity of the thought with which He expressed truths of the profoundest significance even in regions where so many fall into unhealthiness.

Dick thought he heard the chuckle and turned a lightning glance on the scout, but that sturdy son of the forest had his leathern countenance turned towards the sky with profoundest gravity. It was characteristic of him, you see, to note the signs of the weather.

Then follow many of the profoundest and most beautiful parables which contain the secrets of Christ’s teaching, and of which some, as we read, and not by any means the most obscure, remained unintelligible even to the disciples.

There are three or four great international questions for this Republic to solve on this Western hemisphere, the working out of any one of which means immortality for the statesman who does it. Of course, the great industrial and sociological questions are the profoundest of all. The world has been at work on these since men arranged themselves into organized society.

I would rather have carved a wooden Mary like this" indicating the statue by Riemenschneider "than have been Robert Koch and Helmholtz rolled into one. Of course, I am speaking purely subjectively. I know how great Koch and Helmholtz are, and I have the profoundest admiration for both." "See here! See here! What's the matter with us, Friedericus?" cried Peter Schmidt, jumping to his feet.

And now, as husband and wife, once more united, were about to move on, old Harry stepped forward, and with the profoundest of bows, and a very unsteady voice, wished his old mistress all health and happiness for many long years among them.