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And while the voices of the leaders chant clear and high in vibrant unison, the multitude of the priestly choir recite in profoundest undertone the mighty verses; and the sound of their recitation is like the muttering of surf. The mokugyo ceases its dull echoing, the impressive chant ends, and the leading officiants, one by one, high priests of famed temples, approach the ihai.

And the schoolmaster came out smiling, holding a pipe which was a good deal taller than I, held out his hand, and asked me to come in, gave me coffee at once, and expressed the profoundest contempt for the peasant who had charged two rigsdaler for such a trifle, and then left me in the road.

They are parts of the 'trains' or sequences of 'ideas. It is accordingly characteristic of Brown that he habitually describes an intellectual process as a 'feeling. The statement of a mathematical proportion, for example, is a case of 'relative suggestion. When we consider two numbers together we have a 'feeling of the relation of proportion. The 'profoundest reasonings' are 'nothing more than a continued analysis of our thought, by which we resolve the 'complex feelings of our minds' into the simpler conceptions out of which they were constructed.

And alas there was little hope that he would ever presume to? He was such a modest youth with all his directness and fearlessness! If he had no respect for rank, and that was yes, she would say the word, hopeful he had, on the other hand, the profoundest respect for the human, and she could not tell how that might, in the individual matter, operate.

I was shut up to obey and believe God rather than man, and from the nature of the case, the profoundest respect for my brother's judgment could not in itself alter mine. As to the whole Church being against me, I did not know what that meant: I was willing to accept the Nicene Creed, and this I thought ought to be a sufficient defensive argument against the Church.

It would seem that he began and ended his career in the orthodox religion and a general acquiescence in the ideas and customs of his time, and he played an honourable and acceptable part in that time; but his permanent interest lies not in his general conformity but in his incidental scepticism, in the fact that underlying the observances and recognised rules and limitations that give the texture of his life were the profoundest doubts, and that, stirred and disturbed by Plato, he saw fit to write them down.

Having passed the Meridian of a Devoted Life, Having founded on the Pillars Of NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE The Splendid Fabric Of a GREAT REPUBLIC, And having firmly Established The Empire of the West, He solemnly deposited on the Altar of his Country His Laurels and his Sword, And retired to the Shades Of PRIVATE LIFE. A Spectacle so New and so Sublime, Was contemplated by Mankind With the Profoundest Admiration; And the Name of WASHINGTON, Adding new Lustre to Humanity, Resounded To the remotest Regions of the Earth.

"Have you lost faith in Emerson and Theodore Parker?" asked Beulah. "Yes; lost faith in everything and everybody, except Mrs. Asbury. Emerson's atheistic fatalism is enough to unhinge human reason; he is a great and, I believe, an honest thinker, and of his genius I have the profoundest admiration.

And were this to be so, and the being I loved best of all in the world came and asked me which he should choose which refuge I held to be most unattackable, sweetest, profoundest I would surely advise him to shelter his destiny in the refuge of the soul that grows nobler. Is the sage never to suffer? Shall no storm ever break on the roof of his dwelling, no traps be laid to ensnare him?

Surely it is of primary importance to realise the effect upon our conceptions of Space and Extension of the doctrine of the transmutations of Energy. Even the profoundest metaphysicians have seemingly failed to explain how Space, Matter, and Extension are related with Reality.