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Under these circumstances it is not surprising that he should have accepted the proffered dignity, which shortly led to his being recognised as the principal chief and supreme ruler of the whole island. Commissioners had been sent out from France to investigate the affairs of the settlement.

It was a very interesting story you told him I was touched by it though I hardly understood." "Oh! oh!" She was swaying from side to side, swaying so heavily that I instinctively pushed forward a chair. "Sit," I prayed. "You are not strong enough for this excitement." She glanced at me vaguely, shook her head, but made no move toward accepting the proffered chair.

Esmond said the stones were his no longer, and strove to turn off that proffered restoration with a laugh: "Of what good," says he, "are they to me? The diamond loop to his hat did not set off Prince Eugene, and will not make my yellow face look any handsomer." "You will give them to your wife, cousin," says she. "My cousin, your wife has a lovely complexion and shape."

"Yes Schafroff, Svarogitsch, Ivanoff ..." "Oh! Yourii Nicolaijevitsch is with you, is he?" asked Sina, and she blushed. To utter the name of him she loved sent a thrill through her as though she were looking down into some precipice. "Why do you ask?" "Because er I met him," she answered, blushing deeper. "Well, good-bye!" Sanine gently held her proffered hand in his.

And now when he heard of Dick Shand's return and proffered evidence, he declared that Dick Shand having been born a gentleman, though he had been ever so much a sinner, and ever so much a drunkard, was entitled to credence before a host of Crinketts.

Every limb shook, and again came the wild longing for power to believe as they desired; for a momentary cessation of the voice of conscience, to embrace the proffered cross, and be at rest. But it would not cease; and, scarcely able to support herself, she stood before the dread Princess in whose hand was her earthly fate.

With that, he was off across the marshy commons, leaving the squirrel in my hand. Forgetting lessons, I ran to M. Picot's house. That governess answered the knocker. "From Jack Battle to Mistress Hortense!" And I proffered the squirrel. Though she smirked a world of thanks, she would not take it. Then Hortense came dancing down the hall.

So this proffered testimony was refused. No. 11. Mr. Stanbery, for Defense, suggested that the question had undoubtedly been overruled upon matter of form, at least, and put it again in this form. Was anything said at either of those interviews by the President, as to any purpose of getting the question of Mr. Stanton's right to the office before the courts?

Sit down." Mr. Bartlett took the proffered chair. He looked about the dim room and could see in outline the machine. "David has told you something of my invention, I remember and its object," said Mr. Procter. "Yes, David has told me," Mr. Bartlett replied. "You're attempting a tremendously big thing, Mr. Procter. David told me about the colors and your theory of their meaning." "Yes.

When he was advanced to the dignity of a silver belt which, with a magic square engraved on silver and hung round his neck, made up the greater part of his clothing he staggered on a perilous journey down the garden to Pir Khan and proffered him all his jewels in exchange for one little ride on Holden's horse, having seen his mother's mother chaffering with pedlars in the verandah.